


The Paradox and Apocalypse of the Privatization of Japan's Public Library: How to Balance between Public Value and Economic Value?




林淑馨(Shu-Hsin Lin)


公立圖書館 ; 民營化 ; 委外 ; 新公共管理 ; 指定管理者制度 ; public library ; privatization ; outsourcing ; new public management ; the designated administrator system




65期(2023 / 09 / 01)


1 - 39






The privatization of public service or infrastructure is not a new concept. However, public libraries have the function of knowledge preservation and culture development by collecting and organizing information and books. Therefore, the privatization of public libraries is viewed in a conservative manner. Nevertheless, the Japanese government has been very proactive in the privatization process despite limited financing, manpower and professionalism. By means of the designated administrator system, Japan privatized its public libraries to improve service quality and efficiency, and vitalize local economies. However, overemphasizing economic and financial aims has disrupted the nature of libraries. This paper seeks to understand the current status and issue of Japanese public library privatization via secondary data gathering and analysis. This research found that in assessing the feasibility of public library privatization, it is important to clarify the function of libraries, whether it is a center for education and culture development, knowledge sharing, or a location to stimulate the local economy and tourism. In addition, by undergoing privatization, Japanese public libraries extended service hours, remodeled facilities, revised operation rules, and strengthened user convenience to expand operation scale and capacity. However, several issues remain unresolved and calls for further research: (1) selecting books; (2) ensuring professionalism and user capacity; and (3) addressing imperfect competition. This paper suggests the following, first, via citizen participation, rethink the mission and position of public libraries and confirm its operational goal. Second, other than reducing local financial expenses, public library privatization must also mind the disruptive measure it may have in the original purpose. Finally, clarifying core work scope and evaluating market competition is a pre-step before privatization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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