


How Can the Smart Community Project be Performed Successfully? An Analytical Framework of Cooperation Theory Based on Goal Dependence and Resource Dependence




韓娜娜(Nana Han);何精華(Jinghua He)


智慧社區 ; 目標積極依賴 ; 目標消極依賴 ; 資源依賴 ; 合作理論 ; smart community ; positive goal interdependence ; negative goal interdependence ; resource dependence ; cooperation theory




65期(2023 / 09 / 01)


77 - 117






In the present study, the implementation process of a smart community pilot project in A Street, Pudong New Area, Shanghai is examined based on the framework of goal interdependence -resource dependent actor cooperation theory by using field investigations and case studies. Taking into account the three projects of intelligent group rent management, intelligent parking guidance and intelligent fire management, the micro-operation mechanism for the successful embedding of information technology into urban communities is investigated from the twin-perspective of goal interdependence and the resource dependence of the actors. It is found that: (1) The successful implementation of smart community projects funded via government investment is finally carried out through the interaction between active and passive cooperation. (2) In active cooperation, positive goal interdependence is the basis and determinant of cooperative behavior, while resource dependence plays a role in regulating and promoting the process of cooperation. The cooperative promotion strategies of core actors include interest induction and economic interest deterrence. (3) In passive cooperation, the interaction process practices a transition from conflict confrontation to compliance cooperation. The key of the cooperation transition is the resource dependence of each actor on the core actor. The conflict resolution strategy includes official sharing based on administrative authority, resource reciprocity, reciprocity and economic interest deterrence control, etc. In addition, the negative interdependence of the target drives the fragility of the cooperation. The gained insights suggest that the government actors should be good at utilizing the goal-positive dependence relationship and the resource-dependent relationship, pay attention to the construction of the goal-positive dependence relationship, and take the resource-dependent relationship as the key tool to promote cooperation in cooperative governance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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