


The Influential Factors of School Violence toward The Junior High School Students in Taoyuan City of Taiwan




張雅婷(Ya-Ting Chang);葉國樑(Gwo-Liang Yeh);楊崇銘(Chung-Ming Young);黃禎貞(Jen-Jen Huang)


國中生 ; 校園暴力 ; 暴力行為 ; junior high students ; school violence ; violence behavior




43期(2003 / 12 / 01)


1 - 23




本研究主要目的在於探討國中學生校園暴力行為的情形,及影響國中學生校園暴力行為的因素,作為未來改善校園暴力行為之實務應用的重要參考。以分層集束抽樣選取桃園市三所國中共27個班級的學生為研究對象,採問卷調查的方式收集資料,最後得有效樣本為950人,並得到以下重要結果: 1.研究對象的校園暴力行為類型中,發生輕度校園暴力行為多於中度校園暴力行為,中度校園暴力行為又多於重度校園暴力行為。 2.研究對象的校園暴力行為,會因其性別、年級、學業成績、手足感情、缺乏生活照顧者、缺乏學業教導者、與母親間的感情和母親職業等因素分佈的不同而有顯著的差異。 3.研究對象之影響校園暴力行為因素(暴力認知、情緒控制、自我概念、偏差行為、溝通技巧、學校領導、師生關係、學習適應、交友、休閒、父母管教、家庭親密感、整體和諧感)和人口學變項,分別對於輕度、中度以及重度校園暴力行為具有顯著的影響力,且其解釋力分別為42.9%、40.1%及26.1%。 4.校園暴力行為的主要預測變項是暴力認知、偏差行為。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the influential factors of school violence, and to examine the school violence of junior high students in Taoyuan City. The sample (n=950) was selected by stratified cluster sampling. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaires, and analyzed by SPSS10.0 for Independent-Samples t test, One-Way ANOVA, Multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results of this research were as follows: 1. The orders of frequencies toward school violence were mild school violence most, less severe school violence, and severe school violence least. 2. The frequencies of school violence toward different gender, grade, learning scores, relationships with siblings, status of living care, status of learning directors, relationship with mother, and mother’s job were significantly different. 3. The 43.5% variance of mild school violence could be explained by influential factors of school violence, the 40.8% variance of less severe school violence could be explained by the influential factors, and the 26.1 % variance of severe school violence could be explained by the influential factors. 4. The main predictors of school violence were cognition of violence and behavior disorders.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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