


Evaluation of the Correlation among the Learning Stress, Habitual Use of Eyes and Myopia of the Elementary School Students.




劉婉柔(Wan-Jou Liu);陳政友(Cheng-Yu Chen)


學童 ; 近視 ; 學習壓力 ; 用眼行為 ; students ; myopia ; Learning Stress ; Habitual Use of Eyes




48期(2006 / 06 / 01)


39 - 61




本研究以橫斷性調查研究法,來分析學童各層面學習壓力、用眼行為與其近視程度間是否有相關存在。研究對象主要是選擇九十二學年度上學期,就讀於桃園縣與台北市各一所國民小學之四、五、六年級的學童,共445人。重要研究結果歸納如下: 一、男生所感受到的「強迫學習」壓力比女生高;剛接受九年一貫課程的四年級學童所感受到之「課業」、「他人取笑」、「同儕冷落」、「考試」四個壓力與「學習總壓力」較五年級(已接受兩學期九年一貫課程)與六年級(未接受九年一貫課程)者高;低家庭社經地位的學童較高家庭社經地位的學童,有較高的「課業」與「考試」壓力;學業成績得分愈高的學童,所感受到的「課業」、「他人取笑」、「成績差距」、「考試」四個壓力與「學習總壓力」愈小。 二、研究對象對於「課業」、「成績差距」、「同儕冷落」、「考試」、「強迫學習」五個壓力與「學習總壓力」感受愈低時,其近距離用眼時間會愈短。但其感受到「課業」、「考試」、「強迫學習」三個壓力與「學習總壓力」愈低時,則愈會採取規律性用眼行為。 三、若學童感受「強迫學習」愈高,其眼屈光度就會愈趨向「近視」。然而,其愈不採「規律用眼行為」或「近距離用眼時間」愈長者,視力反而愈好,此結果可能因為研究對象中正視與近視的學生都有,而家長或老師對近視的子女或學童較注意其用眼行為,所以經常提醒他們近距離用眼時間不能太長,或近距離用眼30~40分鐘後,要其望遠休息5-10分鐘,反而使得近視學童的用眼行為較非近視學童表現得要好。


The main purpose of this study was to estimate the relationship among the learning stress, habitual use of eyes and myopia of the elementary school students using the cross-sectional survey. According to the principles of theoretical sampling, we decided to enroll the first academic term of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades students as the sample in this research who were from the two elementary schools of Taoyuan county and Taipei city at the ninety-two academic year. There were 445 samples in this study. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The correlation between the individual demographic variables and the learning stress: (1) Boys felt the compulsive learning stress much higher than girls. (2) The fourth grades students who just studied in the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum felt some kinds of the learning stresses much higher than fifth and sixth grades, for instance, schoolwork, be teased and cold-shouldered by some other classmates, examinations, and all of the learning stresses. (The fifth grades students had studied in the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum for two terms. The sixth grades students never studied in the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum.)(3) The students who were high SES (Social Economic Status) felt the stress of schoolwork and examinations much higher than others who were low SES. (4) The better study scores, the lower learning stresses will feel, for examples, schoolwork, be teased by some other classmates, the difference between efforts and scores, examinations, and all of the learning stresses. 2. The correlation between the learning stress and habitual use of eyes: The lower learning stresses, the shorter time of near work will have. These were schoolwork, the difference between efforts and scores, be cold-shouldered by some other classmates, examinations, the compulsive learning stress, and all of the learning stresses. If students felt schoolwork, examinations, the compulsive learning stress, and all of the learning stresses much lower, they will take regular habitual use of eyes. 3. The relationship among the learning stress, habitual use of eyes and myopia: If students felt the compulsive learning stress much higher, their eyes will become myopia. However, if students lessened to take regular habitual use of eyes or spent longer time to near work, their eyes won't become myopia. Why is this result different from other researches? In this cross-sectional survey, emmetropia and myopia students were included; nevertheless, myopia children' parents and teachers maybe warned them all the time to spend shorter time to near work or looked far away for a while after near working for 30~40 minutes. For this reason, the habitual use of eyes of myopia students was better than others.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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