


An Exploratory Study of Preschool Health Environment at Kaohsiung City in Taiwan




謝琇英(Show-Ing Shieh);李新民(Hsing-Ming Lee)


幼兒園所 ; 健康環境 ; Preschool ; Health environment




50期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 21




本研究旨在探討幼兒園所健康環境實施概況及其相關影響因素。以高雄市立案幼兒園所全面性調查訪談,共186所。資料經統計分析後,重要發現如下: 一、園所公共安全和環境衛生與設備,得分為四分以上(分數:1-5分),執行已上軌道。健康飲食得分最低,約半數園所達此標準,餐點調配設計只有26.3%園所達到標準。 二、主要需求與需加強之項目:1.環境衛生保健課程、急救研習訓練;2.廚房洗滌設備;3.餐點調配設計;4.餐、炊具之存放消毒;5.其他健康教育活動。其中教具之衛生清潔、其他健康教育內容超過半數園所未達標準。 三、影響園所健康環境的因素:1.園所規模越大與健康環境推動人數越多,該園所健康環境執行越好,而與園所設置時間無顯著影響。2.公部門、家長的規範與要求;幼兒教師的專業規範與自我效能,亦影響園所健康環境成效。 建議加強教保人員之環境衛生與急救訓練、提昇幼兒健康環境與安全教育;加強園所餐飲衛生與食品衛生管理;共建孩童健康照顧、健康安全環境與健康促進教學網絡;編制幼兒園所健康促進與健康環境管理手冊。


This study investigates the status of health environment and related factors that may influence the health environment for preschools. The target population of this study includes 186 legitimate preschools at Kaohsiung City in Taiwan. With the aid of surveys given at preschools as well as the use of statistical analysis, main findings of this study are as follows: 1. Scores for the public security and environmental sanitation/equipment were found to be 4 and above (scores range from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest). This implies that preschool public safety was soundly carried out and environmental sanitary equipment was well maintained. However, the lowest score was found in the category of healthy food, with about only half of the preschools reaching the standard. In addition, only 26.3% of the preschools reached the standard for designing meals in this category. 2. Kitchen washing equipment, meals design, storage and sterilization of dining and cooking utensils, sanitization of teaching aids, and other health education contents need to be enhanced and remain the main concerns in health environment. Study shows that more than half of the preschools surveyed did not reach the standard for sanitization of teaching aids and other health education contents. 3. Two influencing factors on promoting health environment are also observed: (Ⅰ) Preschool size: Better performances in health environment were observed in preschools with more personnel. However, the setup time of preschool had little effect on the promotion of health environment. (Ⅱ) Specifications and needs on health environment and preschool education required by government departments and parents: The professional specifications and self-efficiencies of preschool education required by preschools and preschool teachers could play an important part in the practice of health environment. Results of this study indicate needs in the following are: strengthen training in health environment and first aid courses for preschool staff; promote health environment and safety education for children; improve preschool food hygiene and enhance the management of food sanitation; connect community resources with local preschools to establish a better childcare network system; set up a safe and healthy environment and a health promotion teaching network for children; compile a preschool management manual for health promotion and environment.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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