


The Development and Evaluation of the Oral Health Computer Assisted Instruction in the 1st-9th-grades Health Education Curriculum




劉婉柔(Wan-Jou Liu);胡益進(Yih-Jin Hu);林瑞誼(Ruei-Yi Lin)


口腔衛生 ; 九年一貫課程 ; 電腦輔助教學 ; 教育介入 ; 健康教育 ; oral health ; the 1st-9th-grades Curriculum ; computer assisted instruction ; intervention curriculum ; health education




54期(2009 / 06 / 01)


25 - 50




本研究旨在發展九年一貫健康教育課程口腔衛生電腦輔助教材,以供學校健康與體育領域課程之教師與校護於口腔衛生教育教學時使用。因此以國中小學童為研究對象設計教育介入策略,並以準實驗設計之『實驗組對照組前後測設計』,以立意選取的學校作為實驗分組的依據,共有313人參與本研究,前測在介入前一週施測,介入時間為二週,後測於介入後隨即進行,後後測於介入後二個月進行,以了解教育介入成效。重要研究結果歸納如下: 一、口腔衛生電腦輔助教材介入方式對於五年級學童而言,在「口腔衛生知識」、「口腔衛生態度」、「口腔衛生自我效能」與「口腔衛生習慣」等方面的立即成效上有顯著進步;對於七年級學童而言,只有在「口腔衛生知識」方面的立即成效上有顯著進步。 二、口腔衛生電腦輔助教材介入方式對於五、七年級學童而言,在「口腔衛生知識」、「口腔衛生態度」、「口腔衛生自我效能」與「口腔衛生習慣」等方面的延宕成效上無顯著差異產生,也就是本研究介入法無法使五、七年級學童產生上述變項的延宕成效。 三、進一步比較五與七年級學童之介入立即成效影響,發現五與七年級學童在「口腔衛生知識」方面是無顯著差異的,也就是此教育介入可使五年級與七年級學童口腔衛生知識皆產生立即提升效果。然而,在「口腔衛生態度」、「口腔衛生自我效能」與「口腔衛生習慣」方面的立即成效則有顯著差異,也就是五年級學童的教育介入成效會比七年級學生好。綜上所述,本研究研發的口腔衛生電腦輔助介入教材,對於國小五年級學童的教學影響成效較好,若要讓國中生也達相同成效,或許教學內容還需改進。


The main purpose of this study was to develop the oral health computer assisted instruction in the 1st-9th-grades Curriculum for health education teachers and school nurses. The intervention group comprised students of the elementary and junior high schools. This study was constructed on quasi-experimental design with case-control study. These experimental schools were non-randomly assigned by the main purpose of this study. There were 313 samples in this study. Taking the pretest before the intervention curriculum started about one week. The treatment group received the intervention curriculum for two weeks, and the control group received nothing. Taking the posttest after the intervention curriculum terminated immediately. The post-posttest was taken after the intervention curriculum terminated about two months. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. After the teaching of the oral health education intervened immediately for 5 grade students, the scores of oral health knowledge, oral health attitudes, oral health self-efficiency, and oral health habits in experimental group were significantly increased. Besides, the scores of oral health knowledge for 7 grade students in experimental group were significantly increased. 2. Two months after the teaching of the oral health education intervened, there were no significant differences for 5 & 7 grade students in oral health knowledge, oral health attitudes, oral health self-efficiency, and oral health habits. 3. Further, comparing the posttest for 5 & 7 grade students, and to know which one was more effective. After analyzed, the scores of oral health knowledge were not significantly affected. In another word this intervention curriculum can promote the scores of oral health knowledge for 5 & 7 grade students. However, the scores of oral health attitudes, oral health self-efficiency, and oral health habits for 5 & 7 grade students were significantly increased. In other words, the effect for 5 grade students after intervened was better than 7 grade students. Consequently, the oral health computer assisted instruction had to be reformed, and more suited to 7 grade students.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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