


A Study of the Junior High School Students' Knowledge, Attitude, self-efficacy, and Behavioral Intention toward First Aid in Keelung City, Taiwan




李倩淑(Chien-Shu Lee);陳政友(Cheng-Yu Chen)


國中生 ; 急救知識 ; 急救態度 ; 急救自我效能 ; 急救行為意向 ; junior high school students ; first aid knowledge ; first aid attitude ; first aid self-efficacy ; first aid behavior intention




54期(2009 / 06 / 01)


69 - 89




本研究利用自填結構式問卷以基隆市國中學生為研究對象,共得有效樣本479份。並得結論如下: 一、研究對象的急救知識平均答對率在一半左右,以年級愈高、學業成績愈佳、有急救學習經驗者,其急救知識較佳;而態度則偏正向,其中以七年級學生、有急救學習經驗、有急救經驗、有急救證書、有較多的急救相關資訊獲得管道者,有較正向的急救態度;另外自我效能則偏低,其中以男生、有急救學習經驗、有急救經驗、有急救證書、有較多的急救相關資訊獲得管道、有參與急救教育社團者,其急救把握度較高;最後行為意向部分,其中以對家人的執行意願最高,而對陌生人的執行意願最低;而年級愈高、學業成績甲等、有急救學習經驗、有急救經驗、有較多的急救相關資訊獲得管道者,有較高的急救行為意向。 二、研究對象的急救知識、態度、自我效能與急救行為意向間具有顯著的正向關係;另外社會人口學變項、急救知識、態度、自我效能等變項對行為意向的解釋力達34.7%。 本研究依結論提出未來急救教育政策之建議與改進方針,提高研究對象的急救自我效能及行為意向,以有效處理事故傷害。


The purpose of this study was to examine the junior high school students' knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and behavioral intention toward first aid; moreover, to explore the related factors. Through muti-stage sampling, the population was selected from a basal group of 17,200 students in Keelung City. A self-administered questionnaire was used as the investigation instrument. Data of 479 valid samples were collected. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. The subjects' first aid knowledge was about half. The subjects who were in higher grade and had higher academic achievement as well as first aid learning experience had better first aid knowledge. 2. The subjects' attitude toward first aid was positive. The subjects who were in the seventh grade and had first aid learning experience, first aid experience and certificate as well as more access to first aid information had higher positive attitude toward first aid. 3. The subjects' first aid self-efficacy is somewhat low. The subjects who were the male students and had first aid learning experience, first aid experience, first aid certificate, more access to first aid information as well as taking part in first aid organizations, had higher confidence in first aid. 4. As far as behavioral intention toward first aid was concerned, if the victim was a family member, the subjects would have the highest intention to perform first aid; if a stranger, the lowest. The subjects who were in higher grade and had higher academic achievement, first aid learning experience, first aid experience as well as more access to first aid information had higher behavioral intention. 5. The subjects' first aid knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and first aid behavior intention were significantly positively related. Demographic variables, first aid knowledge and attitude as well as self-efficacy could explain 34.7% variation of behavioral intention toward first aid. Moreover, first aid attitude, self-efficacy, first aid learning experience and academic achievement were the most important predictors. This research proposed recommendations for first aid education policy as well as guidelines for improvement and enhance the subjects' first aid self-efficacy and the behavioral intention to deal with unintentional injuries.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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