


Application of Transtheoretical Model to Investigate 5-a-day Behavior among the Students of the Senior High Schools in Shilin District of Taipei City




兵逸儂(Yi-Nung Ping);鄭惠美(Huey-Mei Jeng)


每日五蔬果 ; 跨理論模式 ; 高中生 ; 5-a-day behavior ; senior high school ; transtheoretical model




56期(2010 / 06 / 01)


39 - 58




本研究旨在瞭解高中生每日五蔬果知識、社會心理變項與行為之現況與影響因素。母群體為台北市士林區高一學生,採立意取樣,取陽明高中與明倫高中一年級之453學生為樣本。重要結果如下: 一、研究對象之每日五蔬果行為階段為前沉思期者最多(25.8%),一週達到天數平均為3.11天。 二、研究對象之外食頻率與自覺障礙呈顯著正相關,與自我效能、一週達到天數及採取行動與否呈顯著負相關;父母備餐頻率與自覺障礙呈顯著負相關,與自我效能、一週達到天數及採取行動與否呈顯著正相關。 三、研究對象之知識、自覺利益、自我效能與一週達到天數呈顯著正相關;自覺障礙與一週達到天數呈顯著負相關。 四、研究對象之自覺障礙與採取行動與否呈顯著負相關;自我效能與採取行動與否呈顯著正相關。 五、探討研究對象之社會人口學變項、知識、社會心理變項,對每日五蔬果行為之預測力,整體模式關連強度係數Nagelkerke R^2=.316,顯示預測變項與依變項間有中度關係存在;其中「自我效能」為預測行為的主要變項。


The purpose of this study is to understand senior high school students' current situations and effect factors of 5-a-day knowledge, 5-a-day psychosocial variable, 5-a-day behavior stage of change. 453 first-grade students are from Yangming Senior High School and Minglun Senior High School. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. The study subjects' 5-a-day behavior stage of change is mostly located at precontemplation (25.8%). In a week, 3.11 days are achieved as 5-a-day. 2. The subjects' eat-out frequency and self-perceived barriers of 5-a-day show a significant positive correlation; while eat-out frequency and self-efficacy of 5-a-day, the number of days in a week reaching 5-a-day show a negative correlation. The meal-making frequency by the parents of the subjects and self-perceived barriers of 5-a-day show a significant negative correlation; The meal-making frequency by the parents of the subjects and self-efficacy of 5-a-day, the number of days in a week reaching 5-a-day show a significant positive correlation. 3. The subjects' knowledge of 5-a-day, self-perceived benefits of daily 5-a-day, self-efficacy of 5-a-day and the number of days in a week reaching 5-a-day show a significant positive correlation; self-perceived barriers of 5-a-day and the number of days in a week reaching 5-a-day show a significant negative correlation. 4. The subjects' self-perceived barriers of 5-a-day and actions of 5-a-day show a significant negative correlation; The subjects' self-perceived benefit of 5-a-day and actions of 5-a-day show a significant positive correlation. 5. While exploring the predictive ability of 5-a-day knowledge, 5-a-day psychosocial variable towards 5-a-day behavior, the correlation strength coefficient of overall model is Nagelkerke R^2=.316 showing that there exists medium relationship between dependent variable and independent variables. In view of the salience indicators of individual parameter, ”the self-efficacy of 5-a-day” which are the main factors for predicting the research subjects' 5-a-day behavior.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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