Bearing the purpose to formulate recommendations for adequate intervention and future public health programs to improve the health of young adults, this research paper investigates youth risk health behaviors amongst senior high school students in Taipei and the contributory factors. The author applied the probability proportionate-to-size sampling method drawing samples from students studying in senior high schools of Taipei City in 2010, and generated 760 effective samples.The research bases its recommendations on health risk-scores of the respondents. The findings and recommendations of the research are listed below:1. The diet habits of the target population are moderately inadequate, especially in the area of weight control, consuming high- fiber foods, limiting the consumption of sweets, as well as consuming one to two glasses of dairy products. These behaviors are present more often amongst those who are male, of poorer academic achievements, from families with lower socioeconomic status and less inclined to internal health locus of control or chance health locus of control.2. On the measure of physical activity level, the target population is in the moderately inadequate range. The compliance to the ”Triple three”1 guideline for physical activity suggested by the Ministry of Education and the frequency of active leisure activities during holidays is particularly substandard. Inadequate physical activity level is more prevalent in those who are from higher grades, of poorer academic performance, from families of lower socioeconomic status and less inclined to internal health locus of control.3. The prevalence of intentional and unintentional injuries of high school students in Taipei are defined as significantly inadequate-the most frequently occurred injuries are associated with bike riding without wearing hamlets. Injury-related risk health behaviors, whether intentional or unintentional, are more prevalent among those who are male, of poorer academic performance and less inclined to powerful others health locus of control and internal health locus of control, or those who are more inclined to chance health locus of control.4. The smoking behavior of the target population is measured as significantly inadequate. The smoking prevalence rate among high school students in Taipei is roughly 15%. Only a handful of the surveyed are everyday smokers. The smoking behavior usually begins at age 14. Generally, smoking is more prevalent among those who are male, of poorer academic performance and more inclined to chance health locus of control.5. The prevalence of drinking and other substance abuse of the target population are rated respectively as relatively and significantly inadequate. The prevalence rate of drinking is 60%. Roughly half of those who drink are regular drinkers. According to the survey, the average age of first alcohol use is lower than that in others surveys in the past. Risk behaviors of such are more prevalent among male students demonstrating poorer academic performance. Drug use usually begins at age 13-15; Amphetamine, Ketamine and Flunitrazepam are common substances abused by the target population.6. Sexual behaviors of respondents can be categorized as significantly inadequate. Roughly 10 percent of the surveyed have engaged in sexual activities, among which 50 percent rarely or never use condoms. First sex mainly happens at age 15, while unsafe sex is more prevalent among those who are male and inclined to chance health locus of control.
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