


Analyses of the Fifth and Sixth Graders' Health Behaviors and Factors Affecting Their Health Status in Taiwan




傅安弘(An-Hung Fu);簡嘉靜(Jia-Jing Jien)


小學生 ; 體型 ; 健康行為 ; 自覺健康狀況 ; elementary school students ; body shape ; health behavior ; self-perceived health status




61期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28






The purposes of this study were to survey and analyze elementary school students' body shapes, eye-sights, and health behaviors, as well as factors affecting their self-perceived health status in Taiwan. This study was based on a self-administered questionnaire using stratified sampling to recruit subjects from fifth and sixth graders of 62 elementary schools across Taiwan. A total of 1,857 subjects were acquired.The results of this study indicated that, among all students being analyzed, 55% of them were in normal body shapes. The ratio of under-weighted students was higher among girls than boys, while the ratio of over-weighted students was higher among boys than girls. The ratio of students with normal eye-sight was 40%, which is higher among boys than girls. Girls and students from high-ranking socio-economic status families had better eating behaviors than their counterparts. On average, students reported using computer for more than 1 hour and watching television for about 2 hours daily during weekdays, while longer hours during weekends for both activities. In addition, boys tended to spend longer hours, while students belonged to high-ranking socio-economic status families spend shorter hours, on both activities.There were only about 19% and 46% of the students reported not attending after-class courses on weekdays and weekends, respectively. Specifically, students living in low density population areas and from low-ranking socio-economic status families spent less time in after-class courses. On average, students spent about 8.1 and 8.9 hours in sleeping daily on weekdays and weekends, respectively. Comparing to girls, boys were more likely to leave their seats and walk around during breaks at school. The students exercised for about an hour on average per day, and near 40% of the students exercised for less than 3.5 hours per week. Students who brushed their teeth more than twice a day were significantly higher among girls than boys. Approximately 50% of the students considered their health status as very good or good, while 41% as average. High family socio-economic status and walking around during class breaks were two effective predictors for students' self-perceived good health status. Among male students, underweight effectively predicted students' inferior health, while walking around during class breaks predicted good health. For female students, medium and high family socio-economic status predicted their healthy conditions.The results of this research provide valuable data of current fifth and sixth graders' body shape, eye-sight, and health behaviors, and factors that affecting their self-perceived health status, which could provide basis for elementary school administrators to develop health promotion policies in order to improve student health status effectively.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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