


The First Death Experience of Sixth-grade Students and Their Responses-A Taipei Municipal Elementary School as an Example




陳錫琦(Si-Chi Chen);方惠欣(Whei-Sien Foung)


第一次接觸死亡事件 ; 悲傷反應 ; 重大影響 ; 生命教育 ; the first death experience ; grief reactions ; significant influences ; life education




61期(2012 / 12 / 01)


75 - 101






The purpose of this study was to investigate sixth graders' grief reactions and significant influences at that time and at this time in the face of the first death experience. The participants in this study were 315 sixth-grade students who enrolled in an elementary school in Taipei. The instrument developed by the researcher proceeded by way of online surveys to collect qualitative and quantitative data.In conclusion, seven of these research findings were as follows: 1. More than 80% of the participants had ever faced the first death experience; besides, the age of 56.8% of them in the face of the first death experience was nine to twelve years old. 2. Emotional reactions to grief were more prevalent, including missing the deceased, sad farewell, wishing for arising from the dead, and extremely sadness. 3. Grief reactions of the participants were more severe sadness, especially those who had closer relationship with the deceased, who doubted about death, whose parents responded to the death, and who had taken the initiative to find other people to talk about their feelings. 4. The significant influences at that time shown ”could not see the deceased any more” and ”one less family member or pet” were more prevalent; furthermore, the significant influences at this time shown ”treasure the life” and ”cherish family and friends” were more prevalent. 5. The significant influences shown in this study were more severe sadness, especially those who had closer relationship with the deceased, who doubted about death, whose parents responded to the death, whose father took the initiative to talk about the death event, and who had taken the initiative to find other people to talk about their feelings. In conclusion, it is recommended that parents and teachers put great emphasis on grief reactions of the first death experience of children and have a positive guidance and impact on their children in accordance with their children's responses and doubts.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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