


The Effects of the Smoking Cessation Program among the Students of the Senior High Schools in Taipei City and New Taipei City




李淑卿(Shu-Ching Lee);苗迺芳(Nae-Fang Miao);李景美(Ching-Mei Lee);陳政友(Cheng-Yu Chen);龍芝寧(Chih-Ning Lung);廖信榮(Hsin-Jung Liao);黃秀媚(Hsiu-Mei Huang);鄭其嘉(Chi-Chia Cheng);羅惠丹(Hui-Tan Lo);康杏如(Hsing-Ju Kang);林雅婷(Ya-Ting Lin)


青少年 ; 戒菸 ; 團體活動 ; 個別輔導 ; 保護因子 ; adolescent ; cessation ; group activity ; personal counseling ; protective factors




63期(2013 / 12 / 01)


1 - 23






The main purpose of this study was to develop a smoking cessation program/model for the smoking students in senior high schools. Also, the research evaluated the effects of the program on the protective factors and smoking cessation indicators. In addition, the process evaluation of the intervention among the students was measured.A quasi-experimental design was employed in the study. The subjects consisted of 119 smoking students from eight senior high schools in Taipei City and New Taipei City, with the experimental group being 53 students and the control group being 66 students. The experimental group attended six-module course of group activities and three personal counseling. The control group did not attend any intervention. The main findings of the study were as follows:1. Compared to the control group, the smoking cessation program could significantly enhance the protective factors of cessation among the experimental group, including the knowledge of cessation and the intention of quit.2. Compared to the control group, the smoking cessation program had significantly positive effects on the indicators of smoking cessation among the experimental group, including the level of carbon monoxide and the reduction of smoking.3. The continuous abstinence rates of one-month and three-month duration after the intervention among the experimental group were 22.6% and 13.2%, respectively. The smoking reduction rates of the post-test and post post-test among the experimental group were 37.7% and 32.1%, respectively.4. Most students concluded that the combination of smoking cessation group and personal counseling would be better than the separate strategy.Finally, the research provides the suggestions for the design of cessation curriculum, implementation of the curriculum, and personal counseling.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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