


A Study on the Relationship between the Personality Traits and the Death Coping Abilities of Undergraduate Nursing Students




許玉嬌(Yu-Chiao Hsu);蔡明昌(Ming-Chang Tsai)


人格特質 ; 死亡因應能力 ; 大學護生 ; personality traits ; death coping abilities ; undergraduate nursing students




64期(2014 / 06 / 01)


25 - 46






This study aims to understand the different personality traits and death coping abilities of undergraduate nursing students and to explore the differences in death coping abilities of the undergraduate nursing students from different backgrounds. A total of 556 undergraduate nursing students completed the survey. Both the Big Five Personality Traits of Saucier (1994)-Mini-Markers Scale and the Coping with Death Scale of Bugen (1980-81) were used. The result found that there were higher levels of agreeableness and lower levels of neuroticism in the personality traits of undergraduate nursing students. In regards to coping with death, nursing students scored high on the intention of improving the meaning of life, while the undergraduate nursing students who took a class on death tend to have higher death coping abilities than students who did not take such a class. There is a significant correlation between the personality traits and the death coping abilities of undergraduate nursing students. We proposed recommendations about improving death coping abilities of undergraduate nursing students that were based on the results of this study.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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