


Effects of an educational intervention to promote safe mobile technology usage for elementary school students




黃雅玲(Ya-Ling Huang);張鳳琴(Fong-Ching Chang);邱瓊慧(Chiung-Hui Chiu)


行動科技使用 ; 教育介入 ; 國小學生 ; 延伸平行過程模型 ; mobile technology usage ; educational intervention ; elementary school students ; Extended Parallel Process Model




71期(2017 / 12 / 01)


111 - 133




本研究針對國小高年級學生發展「行動科技使用安全教育介入」,目的在瞭解實施教育介入後對國小學生行動科技使用安全的認知,風險感知,自我效能與行爲意向之影響。本研究採「準實驗設計」,以新北市某國小六年級學生爲研究對象,實驗組接受四個單元共160分鐘的行動科技使用安全教育介入課程,對照組則例行教學介入共完成有效問卷277人(實驗組126人,對照組151人)。以延伸平行過程模型(Extended Parallel Process Model)爲理論基礎,分析行動科技使用安全教育介入對學生的影響。研究結果發現行動科技使用安全教育介入可以顯著提升學生行動科技使用安全的認知及風險感知。依據本研究結果,建議學校可推動行動科技使用安全教育介入,以提升學生行動科技使用安全素養。


This study examined the effects of an education intervention to promote safe mobile technology usage for elementary school students. This study evaluated the effects of the educational intervention on knowledge, risk perception, self-efficacy, and intention of safe mobile technology usage based on the Extended Parallel Process model (EPPM). This study was a quasi-experimental design. The participants included 6th grade students from an elementary school in New Taipei City in 2017. There were 126 students in the experimental group and 151 students in the control group. The experimental group participated in four 40-minite promote safe mobile technology usage sessions, while the control group received their usual classes. The results indicated that the safe mobile technology usage education intervention significantly increased students’ safe mobile technology usage knowledge and risk perception. It is recommended that schools could implement safe mobile technology usage education to enhance students’ safe mobile technology usage literacy.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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