


A Study on Elementary School Teachers' Behavioral Intention and Related Factors for School Children Myopia Prevention in the North District, Taoyuan City




林慧玲(Heui-Ling Lin);葉國樑(Gwo-Liang Yeh);曾治乾(Chie-Chien Tseng);黃禎貞(Jen-Jen Huang)


國小教師 ; 近視防治 ; 健康信念 ; 自我效能 ; 行為意圖 ; elementary school teachers ; myopia prevention ; health beliefs ; self-efficacy ; behavior intention




77期(2023 / 12 / 01)


1 - 38






The study focused on current class teachers in public elementary schools within three administrative districts in the North District of Taoyuan City for the academic year 109. Stratified cluster sampling was utilized, with schools as the sampling units. A self-compiled structured questionnaire served as the research tool, and a total of 341 valid responses were collected, resulting in an effective response rate of 97.7%. The study's findings are summarized as follows: 1. Among the study participants, there were significant differences in the health beliefs about "perceived susceptibility of student myopia" based on factors such as "age," "marital status," "parental status," and "whether children have myopia." The "perceived barriers of student myopia prevention" varied significantly depending on factors such as "educational level," "years of service," "marital status," and "parental status." The "perceived benefits of student myopia prevention" differed significantly based on "parental status." Additionally, the "cues to action for student myopia prevention" varied significantly based on "educational level," "marital status," "parental status," "teaching grade," "participation in student myopia prevention workshops" and "involvement as a health and physical education teacher." Moreover, the study participants' "self-efficacy for student myopia prevention" differed significantly based on "age," "parental status," "whether children have myopia," "years of service," "teaching grade," and "participation in student myopia prevention workshops." The "behavior intention for student myopia prevention" varied significantly based on "gender." 2. The study revealed that individuals with higher levels of "perceived susceptibility of student myopia", "perceived severity of student myopia", "perceived benefit of student myopia prevention", "cues to action for student myopia prevention" and those with lower "perceived barriers of student myopia prevention" were more likely to have stronger "behavior intention of student myopia prevention". 3. The variables "health beliefs about student myopia prevention", "self-efficacy for student myopia prevention" and "sociodemographic variables" accounted for 42.6% of the "behavior intention for student myopia prevention". Among these variables, "self-efficacy for student myopia prevention" had the most significant impact.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 教育學
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