


The Introduction and Application of Gestalt Group Therapy




范幸玲(Shing-Ling Fan)


完形團體 ; 實驗 ; Gestalt group therapy ; experiments




6期(2001 / 12 / 01)


119 - 135




完形治療的文獻中論述到在團體中的應用有三種形式。第一種,也就是主導完形團體觀念多年的形式,是由Perls所創立的「熱椅」模式,強調的是在團體的情境下作個人的諮商,不鼓勵成員間的互動。第二種完形團體是以Rosenblatt等人為主,他們在團體裡雖然也常一次以一人為主來作治療,但卻鼓勵成員間彼此的互動。甚至讓成員們來處理當下的情境。第三種則由Zinker及Derman所描述的主題取向的完形團體。強調群體本身的生命及主題(Frew, 1988)。Mackewn(l997)認為當代的完形治療師為了回應環境、當事人的需求、及諮商領域等三方面的持續改變,除了強調自我探索之外,他們也開始擴展深入到場地及關係的理論,所以在80年代的之後,有些人整合了完形團體演進歷史中三種團體形式而成為克里弗蘭團體歷程模式(Cleveland group process model, Frew, 1988)。本篇文章除了介紹完形團體的主要概念及實驗的作法之外,並以筆者個人帶過的三次完形團體經驗為基礎,以其中一次的實例說明完形團體進行中,結構性及立即性實驗的情境及結果。


In the literature of Gestalt therapy, three styles of groups are often mentioned. The “hot seat” model, developed by Pens, is the group workshop in which the therapist works with individuals one at a time and discourages any spontaneous interactions between participants. On the other hand, a second style of Gestalt group described by Rosenblatt encourages the interactions between group members. A third model stated by Zinker and Derman is the Gestalt thematic group, which emphasizes themes existing in the group and brings those themes into the foreground (Frew, 1988). Mackewn (1997) observes that contemporary Gestalt therapists have began to expand their thinking from merely emphasizing self-awareness to paying more attention to the field and systematic theories, so that they are able to response to the constantly changing environment, clients and counseling field. Therefore, after the 1 980s, some researchers have integrated the above three styles of Gestalt groups to form a “Cleveland group process model” (Frew, 1988). There are two purposes of this article. The first part is to introduce the major concepts of Gestalt therapy practiced in groups. Furthermore, based on the author’s own Gestalt group experiences, the second part is to describe and discuss the examples of structural and spontaneous experiments used and created in Gestalt groups.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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