


Sociocultural Factors Influencing Career Indecision of Female College Students in Southern Taiwan




謝茉莉(Molly Hsieh)


生涯不確定感 ; 生涯決策自我效能 ; career indecision ; career decision-making self-efficacy




8期(2003 / 06 / 01)


35 - 60




本研究的目的是在探討台灣南部地區師範院校、教育學程和一般綜合大學的女學生影響生涯決策自我效能和生涯不確定感的家庭和個人因素的模式。研究結果並與夏威夷大學所蒐集到的日裔和華裔女學生做泛文化的比較,藉以了解影響女性生涯不確定感文化因素和阻礙。 本研究共計回收有552份有效問卷,問卷內容包含四個標準化量表和一份基本資料。標準化量表包括父母依附量表、女性角色態度量表、生涯決策自我效能量表和生涯決策量表。資料經由結構模式分析,並藉著測試不同可能性的模式來找出最合適南區女大學生生涯不確定感的模式。此外,資料亦透過皮爾森相關和變異數分析來比較不同類組和不同文化族群之問的關係。 研究結果發現,資料以一般大學、教育學程和師範院校三類組來建立假設模式時最為恰當。在模式中,性別角色認同和父母依附關係對生涯決策自我效能有直接預測的作用,生涯決策自我效能進而可預測生涯不確定感,但是父母依附關係對性別角色認同則無顯著的預測效果。 當分析組間差異時,一般大學、教育學程和師範院校三組在性別角色、依附關係、生涯決策白我效能和生涯不確定感上都有顯著差異。性別角色認同方面,師院組比起其他二組更傾向於非傳統而自由化的女性角色;在依附關係上,學程組女生與父母關係較為密切;在生涯決策自我效能上,學程組的學生在面對畢業後找工作和生涯決策的技巧比其他二組更具信心;而在生涯不確定感方面,師院學生的不確定感顯著低於一般大學的女生。當比較南台灣地區和夏威夷大學女生三族群的資料時,這四組在性別角色認同、生涯決策自我效能和生涯不確定感上皆有顯著差異。性別角色認同方面,台灣女生相較於夏威夷女生明顯傾向固守傳統性別角色。在生涯決策自我效能方面,台灣女生對作生涯決策的自信心明顯低於夏威夷大學女生。在生涯不確定感方面,台灣女性的生涯不確定感比起夏威夷日裔華裔和混血女生的不確定感也較高。 本研究並依據結果提出一些建議,供教師和輔導員在作生涯輔導時的參考。文中並討論本研究的限制和未來研究方向。


The purpose of this study was to examine a model of career indecision for three educational programs of female college students in Southern Taiwan. These three categories of educational programs are students in teachers colleges, educational program in general colleges, or general colleges. Data were also compared cross-culturally with data collected from female college students in the University of Hawaii. Five hundred fifty two participants completed a survey packet consisting of four standardized instruments and a demographic sheet. Standardized instruments included the Inventory of Parent Attachment, the Attitude Toward Women Scale, the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Career Decision Scale. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling, with competing models to identify the most plausible model of career indecision for female college students in Southern Taiwan. Secondary analyses using Pearson product-moment correlations and one-way analysis of variances were also utilized. Models were found to be most plausible when data were analyzed by three educational program categories. Gender role traditionality, as measured by attitude toward women’s gender roles, and parental attachment were found to influence directly one’s career decision-making self-efficacy. In turn, career decision-making self-efficacy significantly predicted career indecision. However, parental attachment has no significant effect on gender role traditionality. When examined across the three educational categories, the teachers college students retained the least traditional gender roles and reported to have the least career indecision. The educational program student in general college reported the highest parental attachment and career decision-making self-efficacy. When examined between cultures, there are significant differences on gender role traditionality, career decision-making self-efficacy, and career indecision. Taiwanese female college students reported to retain more traditional gender role, lower career decision-making self-efficacy, and higher career indecision than their Hawaiian counterpart. Implications based on the findings are provided for teachers and counselors. Limitations of this study and suggestions for future study are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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