


Analysis of Accident Characteristics and Prevention Strategies for Drunk Driving in Taiwan




酒駕 ; 事故防制策略 ; drunk driving ; accident prevention strategy




27-28卷(2013 / 12 / 01)


65 - 77






Drunk driving is the main cause of fatal accidents. The prevention of drunk driving is an important traffic safety issue in Taiwan. This study analyzed the crash dataset built by the National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior from 2003 through to 2009 to determine the characteristics of drunk driving accidents. The results indicated that drunk drivers were mainly motorcyclists (59%) and small passenger vehicle drivers (31%). In many countries, drunk driving prevention efforts have focused mainly on car drivers, but drunk driving prevention efforts must also consider motorcyclists in Taiwan. Motorcyclists and small passenger vehicle drivers under the influence were more implicated in more single-vehicle accidents than sober motorcyclists and small passenger vehicle drivers were: of the accidents involving motorcyclists under the influence, 26% were single-vehicle accidents and 5% of the accidents involving sober motorcyclists were single-vehicle accidents; of the accidents involving small passenger vehicle drivers under the influence, 17% were single vehicle accidents, and 2% of the accidents involving sober drivers were single vehicle accidents. Motorcyclists and small passenger vehicle drivers under the influence were more implicated in head-on and rear-end accidents than sober motorcyclists and small passenger vehicle drivers were. This may be because drunk driving affects motorcyclists' and drivers' ability to control their vehicles, and decreases situational awareness of road and traffic conditions. In this study, the drunk driving prevention strategies implemented in Taiwan and other countries are summarized to assist the government in determining effective prevention strategies to solve the drunk driving problem.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
工程學 > 交通運輸工程
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