Taxi sharing is an efficient measure to mitigate traffic congestion and parking problems. It can increase the total number of trips using the current para-transit systems and hence reduce the number of trips by private vehicles. This research adopts the well-known theory of planned behavior (TPB) to identify three important constructs, i.e., attitude, subjective norm and perception that affect travelers' intention on taxisharing services. In addition, by way of literature review, three more constructs, i.e., safety, rate, and travel time are also identified. With these six influential factors on behavior intention, structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was adopted for analysis. To collect real data, a questionnaire survey was conducted with the current and potential passengers using the existing taxisharing services between Jiantan Metro Station and Chinese Culture University. With this real data, six hypotheses were constructed and examined. The results indicate that the four factors, i.e., subject norm, perceived behavior control, time as well as rate, do have significant influences on consumer behavior intention for taxi sharing services. Therefore more taxisharing services at other places are encouraged if the four other influential factors can be well treated. On the contrary the safety doesn't have significant effect on passengers' behavior intentions, implying that the taxisharing passengers have no concern about crime.
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