


Double-Voiced Discourse: Mary Leapor's Neoclassical Poetry




宋美璍(Mei-Hwa Sung)


瑪麗•李頗 ; 雙聲主體 ; 牧歌 ; 鄉間莊園詩 ; 農事詩札 ; 諷刺詩




8期(2006 / 12 / 01)


19 - 37




瑪麗•李頗(Mary Leapor, 1722-46)出身勞動階級,在富貴人家專司廚房雜役,閒時則讀詩寫詩,最是崇拜波普(Alexander Pope, 1688-1744),也仿寫新古典主義詩的重要文類,但常引自身經驗,加入性別和階級的思維,以致詩中承載非常鮮明的反傳統的題材和主題。本文擬自文類和文化兩個層面探討李頗的詩(包括牧歌、鄉間莊園詩、農事詩札、諷刺詩)。一名勞動階級女性書寫父權道統的文類,雖模仿大師,卻也同時挑戰其文化霸權。十八世紀中葉,隨著小說與感性詩的興起,中產和勞動階級的作家逐漸出頭,其中不乏女性與農民。在詩的領域,傳統的文類規範已露疲態,頻頻遭到來自勞動階級與女性的「另類聲音」(voices of the Other)滲入之際,李頗雖仍遵循文類的成規(形式、辭藻、格律等),但卻顛覆其價值體系,發揚女性和勞動階級的主體意識,在詩中呈現一個雙聲主體的現象。本文閱讀李頗的詩作,企圖探討性別、階級和文類的既有機制三者之間的糾結角力,為這位徘徊於文學廟堂門外的勞動階級女性詩人,尋找她在多重文化勢力激盪之際的文學史的位置。


Daughter of a nurseryman and herself a cookmaid to a wealthy family, Mary Leapor (1722-46) composed several hundred poems in the short span of her literary career. Many of those she wrote are marked by both conformity to the conventions of the neoclassical genres and a voice of her own. This paper tries to read Leapor's imitations of neoclassical poetic formations (pastoral, country-house poem, georgic verse epistle, and satire) as sites of cultural confrontation which involves gender and class issues.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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