
Eine Empirische Untersuchung Des Jugendaustausches Als Praxis Interkulturellen Lernens


An Empirical Study of Youth Exchange as Intercultural Learning




羅燦慶(Tsann-Ching Lo)


school partnership ; youth exchange ; intercultural competence ; intercultural learning ; teaching of second foreign language




8期(2006 / 12 / 01)


213 - 244




教育部在高中第二外語教學的架構下,鼓勵國內高中與相關國外學校建立姊妹校。此舉除有助第二外語的研修,也提供青年學子跨文化學習的平台。本研究以國內享有盛名的永平完全中學與其德國姊妹校交流為主體,從Maletzke (1996)對青年學術交流與刻板印象及偏見之關係的論點切入,藉問卷調查及旅遊日記分析的方式,探討此青年交流對中德學子,在跨文化學習中的意涵。


It is one of the most important issues in the pilot project of Teaching Second Foreign Language supported by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan to promote schools offering second foreign languages to build up partnerships with the related countries. This study analyses the impact on intercultural learning as a result of the renowned exchange program between the Yung Ping Senior High School and its partner in Germany. Based on Maletzke's (1996) theses about the interdependences of youth exchange and stereotypes and prejudices, analysis has been made through feedbacks in questionnaires among the participants as well as traveling diaries written by the said students. This study evaluates the value of youth exchange program in terms of intercultural learning which is regarded as an important competence in the 21 century.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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