After separating with la marquise de Castries, Balzac published a series ofcreations about "despairing love" which comprises "Le Médecin de champagne", "Dezespérance d'amour", "La Duchesse de Langeais" etc. between 1832-1834. Eventhough the contents of these stories are similar, the depth of meaning in each story isquite different as time goes by. Therefore, in addition to discuss the sentimentalproblem of the author, we want to understand these word from the political viewpoint. We like to know how the author turns his own grief into the combination of novels and the history in order to promote the status of writers and their work.
Balzac, Honoré de. Dezespérance d'amour. Paris : Garnier Frères, 1832.
Balzac, Honoré de(1976).La Comédie humaine.Paris:Pleiade.
Balzac, Honoré de(1977).Le Médecin de campagne. La Comédie humaine.Paris:Pleiade.
Balzac, Honoré de(1976).La Comédie humaine.Paris:Pleiade.
Balzac, Honoré de(1976).La Duchesse de Langeais. La Comédie humaine.Paris:Pleiade.
Balzac, Honoré de,Pierrot, Roger(éd.),Yon, Hervé(Éd.)(2006).Correspondance.Paris:Gallimard.
Bourdieu, Pierre(2002).Questions de sociologie.Paris:Minuit.
Butor, Michel(1998).Paris à vol d'Archange.Paris:Editions de la Difference.
Chollet, Roland(1965).De Dezespérance d'amour à La Duchesse de Langeais.l'Année balzacienne,93-120.
Fortasier, Rose(1977).La Comédie humaine.Paris:Pleiade.
Guyon, Bernard(1951).La création littéraire chez Balzac. La genèse du Médecin de campagne.Paris:Colin.
Guyon, Bernard(1967).La pensée politique et sociale de Balzac.Paris:Edition Colin.
Lichtlé, Michel(1988).Introduction à La Duchesse de Langeais.Paris:editions Flammarion GF.