
Estudio contrastivo del chino mandarín y el español: aspecto léxico de realizaciones y delimitación




劉珍綾(Liu, Chen-Ling)


telic phrase ; accomplishment ; resultative complements ; perfective aspect markers ; 完結短語 ; 完結體 ; 結果補語 ; 完成體標記




32期(2019 / 12 / 01)


56 - 83




In Mandarin Chinese and Spanish there are linguistic events that imply a grammatical aspect of accomplishment. The present work examines the morphological and syntactic characteristics that this lexical aspect expresses in both languages. This systematic comparison aims to describe some similarities between these two languages: first, the direct and prepositional complements of the verb decide if the delimitation aspect is carried out; second, some adverbial modifiers are considered as criteria to distinguish events classes; third, in the syntactic context some lexical elements are considered constituent delimiters of the event. By describing the feature of [± delimitation], which is considered an internal character of the predicate, we analyze the similarities and divergence of the lexical aspect of Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. We summarize that, while Spanish manifests the grammatical aspect of accomplishment and delimitation by morphological resource of flexion, Mandarin Chinese tends to present such an aspectual feature by adding lexical forms "le 了" and "wán 完".



主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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