


Reflections on the Challenges of AI and COVID-19 in Spanish Translation and Interpretation Teaching: Case Studies of the Spanish Department of Tamkang University and Fu Jen Catholic University




陸孟雁(Lou Meng-yen)


COVID-19 ; 人工智慧與翻譯 ; 混合研究法 ; 認知歷程向度 ; 情境學習法 ; 遠距模擬會議 ; COVID-19 ; artificial intelligence and translation ; hybrid research methods ; cognitive history dimension ; situational science practice ; remote simulation conference




37期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 29




世界衛生組織於2020年3月11日宣布新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)全球蔓延後,由於各國紛紛採取境管措施,人際溝通方式、口譯型態、機器翻譯應用、職場徵才條件、商務往來模式等皆衍生變革。多語言虛擬活動取代實體模式已成趨勢,例如:遠距視訊口譯(VRI)之廣泛運用;谷歌等翻譯軟體效能之進化;神經機器翻譯(NMT)技術促成譯後編輯(MTPE)需求提高;線上學習模組、影片、旁白及字幕翻譯機會激增;電話口譯(OPI)成為商務溝通之主要模式等。混合研究法(Mixed Method Research)是翻譯研究的主流,基於身兼教職及會議口譯者之觀察與內省,論文主要是採用「質性研究」(Qualitative Research Method)之觀察法及個案研究法:首先是評測機器翻譯的漢西輸出水平;其次是列舉西語譯界因應疫情衝擊之案例及新的翻譯模式;最後簡介臺灣西語口譯教學概況,並尊基於認知歷程向度(Cognitive Process Dimension),設計量性的封閉性問卷及質性的開放性問答,理解淡大及輔大西語系的學生以「情境學習法」(Situational Approach)實踐模擬遠距口譯會議之心得,以及對課程整體觀感。本論文旨在藉上述面向之分析及詮釋,歸納出足以因應AI及後疫情挑戰之口筆譯教學對策,以培育符合職場需求或立志投身學術研究的專業西語口筆譯人才。


After the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the global spread of COVID-19 on March 11, 2020, due to the implementation of border management measures in various countries, interpersonal communication methods, machine translation applications, workplace recruitment conditions, business exchange models, etc. are all derivative changes. There is a trend towards the replacement of physical models by multilingual virtual activities, such as the widespread use of remote video interpreting (VRI) and the evolution of the effectiveness of translation software such as Google; Neural Machine Translation (NMT) technology, which has led to increased demand for post-editing (MTPE); opportunities for online learning modules, videos, narration and subtitle translation have proliferated, and telephone interpreting (OPI) has become the main mode of business communication. Mixed Method Research is the mainstream in translation research, this paper is mainly based on the Qualitative Research Method by implementing observation applied to case study: the first is to evaluate the output level of machine translation in the case of Chinese-Spanish; second, to list the cases and new translation models in the Spanish translation sector in response to the impact of the pandemic; and finally, an overview of Spanish interpretation teaching in Taiwan. Based on the Cognitive Process Dimension, the research is build around a quantitative closed-ended and qualitative open-ended questionnaire, in order to have a better overview regarding the experience of the students of the Spanish Departments of Tamkang and Fu Jen after accomplishing simulated remote interpretation conferences through a Situational Approach. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and interpret the above aspects and summarize the teaching strategies for translating and interpreting that are able to meet the challenges of AI and the post-pandemic era, so as to cultivate professional Spanish interpreters and translators that meet the needs of the workplace or aspire to devote themselves to academic research.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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