
Adopter des stratégies pour animer une interaction pédagogique asymétrique par visioconférence et par audioconférence


Strategies to facilitate asymmetrical pedagogical interactions via videoconferencing and audioconferencing|Strategies to facilitate asymmetrical pedagogical interactions via videoconferencing and audioconferencing




Yu-Hsien, Hung(洪毓嫺);Anne-Laure FOUCHER;Ciara Wigham;Pei-Wha, CHILEE(李珮華)


視訊 ; 語音 ; 線上遠距教學 ; 法語口說技巧 ; 互動教學|videoconferencing ; audioconferencing ; online distance teaching ; French speaking skill ; interactive pedagogy




38期(2022 / 12 / 01)


103 - 137




2020年新冠肺炎於全球蔓延,加速線上視訊教學的發展,成為疫情期間主要的教學模式之一。然而,在線上視訊教學中,學生選擇開啟或關閉鏡頭的現象,是線上視訊教學模式中一個重要問題。視訊鏡頭的開啟或關閉,讓線上視訊教學的互動環境產生兩種交流方式:純語音模式和語音視訊模式。此現象使得線上視訊教學參與者的互動變得不相對稱。也會改變授課者與學習者的交流方式。針對此現象,本研究以台灣淡江大學法國語文學系和法國克萊蒙對外法語教學研究所於2022年共同開設的單學期、同步教學的「遠距線上法語口說課」為例,對參與師生進行開放性訪談,探討在兩種不同互動模式(純語音和語音視訊)共存的教學環境中,法籍授課者如何運用不同的教學策略來幫助台灣學生增進其法語口說能力。整體而言,訪談的分析結果顯示,兩種並存的互動教學模式不會對訓練加強學生的口說能力有太大的影響。|In 2020, the spread of COVID-19 around the world has accelerated the development of online teaching with videoconferencing tools, which has become one of the main teaching models during the pandemic. However, in online video teaching, the fact that students choose to turn on or off the camera is an important issue. The "on and off " issue creates two different interactive communication modes: audio mode and video mode. It not only makes the interaction between participants unequal but also changes how instructors and learners communicate with each other. To explore the issue, this study examines "Online distance French speaking skill" which was jointly launched by the Department of French Language and Literature of Tamkang University in Taiwan and the Graduate school for Teaching French as a Foreign Language of Université Clermont Auvergne in France in 2022. The study conducted "Focus groups" interviews with participants to explore different teaching strategies used by French trainee teachers to help Taiwanese students improve their French speaking skills in online teaching environment where two different interactive communication modes (audio and video+audio) coexist. After analyzing the interviews, the study shows that the two coexisting interactive teaching modes will not have much impact on the training of students' oral ability.|In 2020, the spread of COVID-19 around the world has accelerated the development of online teaching with videoconferencing tools, which has become one of the main teaching models during the pandemic. However, in online video teaching, the fact that students choose to turn on or off the camera is an important issue. The "on and off " issue creates two different interactive communication modes: audio mode and video mode. It not only makes the interaction between participants unequal but also changes how instructors and learners communicate with each other. To explore the issue, this study examines "Online distance French speaking skill" which was jointly launched by the Department of French Language and Literature of Tamkang University in Taiwan and the Graduate school for Teaching French as a Foreign Language of Université Clermont Auvergne in France in 2022. The study conducted "Focus groups" interviews with participants to explore different teaching strategies used by French trainee teachers to help Taiwanese students improve their French speaking skills in online teaching environment where two different interactive communication modes (audio and video+audio) coexist. After analyzing the interviews, the study shows that the two coexisting interactive teaching modes will not have much impact on the training of students' oral ability.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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