
Les études de transferts culturels pour la compétence interculturelle de communication


Cultural transfer studies for intercultural communicative competence|Cultural transfer studies for intercultural communicative competence




Magali, Li-Chuan Chen(陳麗娟)


跨文化溝通 ; 文化遷移 ; 策略|intercultural communicative competence ; cultural transfer ; strategy




38期(2022 / 12 / 01)


162 - 177




外語專業人才的培養中,語言與文化息息相關。在跨文化的情境,溝通是否順利,對於溝通語之語言元素掌握固然重要,關鍵更在是否能用該語言表達出文化內涵。許多現象顯示,即便具備法語檢定B1或B2程度,已然具備溝通語的語言元素,也具備基礎的溝通能力,卻因為對於缺乏自身母語文化的涵養,在接待法語人士,在介紹自己的母語文化時,屢屢遇到詞窮的窘境。本研究旨在探討外語專業的學生(以淡江法文系的學生為例)之跨文化溝通能力養成過程中的一些問題,並企圖以文化遷移為策略,幫助學生們能提升其跨文化溝通能力。|Language and culture are closely related in the cultivation of foreign language professionals. In a cross-cultural context, it is important to master the linguistic elements of the language of communication, but it is also important to be able to express cultural connotations in that language. In many cases, even though they have a B1 or B2 level in French and have the linguistic elements of the language of communication, and have the basic communication skills, they often encounter the dilemma of being poor in words when receiving French-speaking people and introducing their native culture because of lack of the cultural connotation of their native language. The purpose of this study is to investigate some problems in the process of developing intercultural communication skills among foreign language students (for example, Tamkang French students) and to help students improve their intercultural communication skills by using cultural transfer as a strategy.|Language and culture are closely related in the cultivation of foreign language professionals. In a cross-cultural context, it is important to master the linguistic elements of the language of communication, but it is also important to be able to express cultural connotations in that language. In many cases, even though they have a B1 or B2 level in French and have the linguistic elements of the language of communication, and have the basic communication skills, they often encounter the dilemma of being poor in words when receiving French-speaking people and introducing their native culture because of lack of the cultural connotation of their native language. The purpose of this study is to investigate some problems in the process of developing intercultural communication skills among foreign language students (for example, Tamkang French students) and to help students improve their intercultural communication skills by using cultural transfer as a strategy.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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