
The Relationship between Authenticity and the Souvenir Purchase Intent






古永嘉(Yeong-Jia Goo);沈明正(Ming-Jeng Shen)


真實性 ; 原產國效果 ; 遊客的體驗型態 ; 紀念品種類 ; 紀念品購買意願 ; authenticity ; effect of COO country-of-origin ; souvenir categories ; souvenir purchase intent ; tourist experience modes


Pan-Pacific Management Review


14卷2期(2011 / 07 / 01)


109 - 129






Although shopping for a souvenir is rarely the main motive for taking a leisure trip, nonetheless, most tourists do take time to shop for souvenirs. Souvenirs play a major role in a tourist's travel experience and memory. Traditionally, many studies about souvenir purchase behavior have mainly focused on the analysis of the different types, functions, store management, and customer's satisfaction of souvenirs. Few have been done to analyze how tourists determine the authenticity of a souvenir as well as the effect of country of origin (COO). Therefore, this study proposes a souvenir purchase conceptual model that manifests the relationship between tourist experience modes, souvenir categories, authenticity, effect of COO, and souvenir purchase intent. This model suggests that both tourist experience modes and souvenir categories determine the level of authenticity, which in turn affects souvenir purchase intent. In addition, the effect of COO serves as a moderator influences the relationship between souvenir authenticity and souvenir purchase intent.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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