The proposed research is aimed to discuss the influences of the establishment of Beiping Xingdusi and its moving inward from Daning to Baoding in later years, and to reach a better understanding of the fundamental causes that corrupted the defense of Northern frontier in Ming Dynasty. This research consists of three sections. The first section of the paper, by looking into the defense strategy and border layout during the reign of Hongwu, shows the significant role Beiping xingdusi played in the defense of Northern frontier in early Ming Dynasty. The second section analyzes the impacts of the Jingnan Campaign (靖難) on Beiping xingdusi and the truth of relocating Beiping xingdusi in Baoding after the campaign. As what is observed, during the coup d'etat initiated by Zhu Di, the prince of Yan (燕王朱棣), in response to the call of Zhu di, the prince of Ning(寧王) sent all the forces of Beiping xingdusi to support him, leaving Daning unguarded. As a result, Daning was so severely damaged that it could not remain a strategic post after the campaign, and consequently resulted in the relocation of Beiping xingdusi. The last section deals with a series of chain reactions triggered by the relocation. Once the government moved Beiping xingdusi to Baoding, Wuliang habu(兀良哈部) took over Daning, which was then no longer fortified, and broke the communication between Liaodong (遼東) and Xuanfu (宣府). inevitably causing the defenses in north as well as in east and west of Peking to fall vulnerable to external forces. Henceforth, the Mongolians and the Manchus, recognizing the weakness of Ming authority in the north, invaded and harassed the border even more frequently, and made the Ming government and the nine border cities too exhausted to cope with the difficult situation. In the end, neither the Great Wall nor the border cities stood the attacks of the Eight Banner cavalry; the fate of the dynasty ended at the hand of the Manchus.
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