Since the Age of Discovery, European traders entered China via land or sea trade routes. During the Qing, Europeans purchased tea, rhubarb, cotton cloth, and silk from Guangzhou and Kyakhta. According to western medicine tradition, Europeans believed rhubarb from Gansu, Shanxi had positive efficacy on organs. Therefore, they hope to obtain rhubarb from various sources. After signing the Treaty of Kyakhta in 1727, the Qing court permitted the Mu family to transport rhubarb from Gansu and Shanxi to Kyakhta for selling; the Russians also sent merchants to Kyakhta to buy Rhubarb. In 1738, when Russian officials monopolized the rhubarb business, they appointed the Mu family as the only contracted rhubarb agent. They also dispatched deputies to trade Rhubarb with fur and other substances. Diplomatic conflicts between the Qing and Russians led to several lockouts of the Kyakhta market. When the market was closed, Qing court restricted the export of rhubarb to Russia. As the demand for rhubarb remained high, inland merchants and Xinjiang Uighur merchants smuggled rhubarb for profit. They either indirectly merchandised rhubarb through Mongol royal family, officials and lamas, or transited the goods in Kyrgyz and Andijon. Intensified prohibition further raised the price of rhubarb. Challenged by and these illegal trade, the Mu family faced difficulty in solvency, and requested the Qing court for support. After the resigning of the Treaty of Kyakhta, the Market of Kyakhta had not ceased till the Opium war. During this period of gradual growth, the Mu family sold rhubarb to the Russians under the Qing court's supervision.
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