


Women's Mobilization in Guangdong before and after the Establishment of Wang Jingwei Regime (1938-1945)




盧梓滿(Loo, Tsz-Mun)


婦女動員 ; 汪政權 ; 廣東婦女會 ; 戰爭與婦女 ; 廣東婦女維持會 ; Women mobilization ; Wang Jingwei regime ; Guangdong Women's Association ; War and women ; Women's Protection Committee




35期(2020 / 09 / 01)


113 - 149






In July 2019, Cindy Ho, granddaughter of Wang Zhaoming, published a series of "Wang Jingwei & Modern China" after sorting out her grandfather's manuscripts. The book not only fostered people's understanding of Wang's regime but also contribute to the application of historical materials for scholarly researches. This article attempts to explore the mobilization of Guangdong women from 1938 to 1945, an area not yet focused by prior scholars. Guangzhou was the place where the Kuomintang began its northern expedition as well as the source of the Chinese revolution. In October 1938, after the Japanese army fully occupied Guangzhou, the Women's Preservation Committee was first established and later expanded to the Guangdong Women's Association to solicit the support of local women. In October 1940, during the establishment of Wang Regime Guangdong Provincial Government, Chen Bijun, the wife of Wang Zhaoming, held behind the scenes power. She reorganized the Women's Maintenance Council into the Guangdong Province Women's Council to govern the affairs of the women's associations in various counties and cities. The Council mainly carried out propaganda and education activities for women as well as conveyed peace movements and war mobilization by drama performances and publicity in various places. Meanwhile, the organization planed various relief facilities and educational institutions, including children nursery, poor maternity homes, and Guangdong Provincial Women's Normal School. After the Japanese Army launched the "Great East Asian War", the Guangdong women's community carried out their war responsibilities and helped to stabilize Guangdong's social situation. Therefore, this article is going to investigate the process and characteristics of mobilizing Guangdong women in this period and further outline a new perspective on war and women.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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