


Thomas Wade and the Anglo-Sino Relationship in 1850s China




張翼(Zhang, Yi)


威妥瑪 ; 中英關係 ; 泥城河之戰 ; 海關稅務司 ; 《尋津錄》 ; Thomas Wade ; Sino-British relationship ; the Battle of the Muddy Flat ; the Customer service ; The Hsin Ching Lu




36期(2021 / 09 / 01)


95 - 123






This article focuses on the life and career of Thomas Wade in China during 1850s. appointed as British vice-consul of Shanghai in 1852, Wade returned China. He took an active part in the Battle of the Muddy Flat, a military conflict against the Qing army, and then participated in the negotiation, as the assistant of Sir Alcock, of the establishment of Customs that under the foreign management. Wade's outstanding contributions in the negotiation was rewarded by the position of the Inspector of the newly-form Customs but, aware the significance of the interpreters, he quitted the position and devoted himself in editing the textbook of Beijing Mandarin The Hsin Ching Lu, which embodied the collusion of the sinology and the power of imperialism and reflected the Hybridity of knowledge that produced in the "Contact zone". In the events that mentioned above, Wade was involved in the Sino-British relationship as military officer, diplomat and sinologist. He switched among these three roles swiftly and his contributions was recognized by the British government, which helped him enter the center of the diplomatic stage.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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