In the auto insurance market, if premium is not based on the usage of automobiles, drivers with lower mileage are thus treated unfairly and have lower incentives to purchase insurance. On the contrary, drivers with higher mileage will have higher incentives to purchase insurance. Therefore, the insurance company suffers from adverse selection. Although usage-based insurance (UBI) products exist for personal automobile owners, the relationship between loss and mileage for personal auto insurance may not apply to insurance for tour buses. In this paper, we examine the relationship between loss and mileage for tour buses by applying Generalized Linear Model (GLM). Our data is from the Tour Bus Business Survey conducted by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication. Our empirical results indicate that mileage is positively associated with loss probability and loss frequency of traffic accidents. Since no study has examined the determinants of loss for tour bus in Taiwan, we expect our empirical results for the relationship between loss and mileage could be the first step for insurance companies to develop UBI products for tour buses.
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