The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of computer-aided course in cosmetology & styling course. Through the exploration in relevant literatures and Question & Answer survey, we get to understand the learning progress of students in area of simulation effectiveness, course satisfaction, talent improvement and practical application. And the research findings are as follows: 1. Eight factors influencing teaching effectiveness are: image taking and hair styling effect, overall make-up effect, course content, learning effectiveness, professional know-how, professional technique, hands-on know-how and hands-on technique. 2. Students in higher age group and interested in learning tend to respond more positively in simulation effect, course satisfaction and talent improvement, and with better practical application, while showing no marked difference in job description and seniority. In this research, 'learning interest' is used as the intensity link among all concerned parties to illustrate the quantity in variation. 3. As indicated by relevant analyses, better simulation effectiveness combined with course satisfaction leads to higher degree of talent improvement and better job market application, which is in line with Kirkpatrick evaluation theory modeling.4. Simulation effectiveness, course satisfaction and talent improvement combined could forecast 77.1% of variation quantity in the level of application. Individually, professional know-how demonstrates the best ability in forecasting, followed by image taking and hair styling effect. Simulation effectiveness could directly impact course satisfaction, talent improvement and level of application, whereas course satisfaction only has indirect impact on the level of application through the level of talent improvement.
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