


Exploring the Design Thinking of Cultural Creative Products on Visual Arts Segment




謝佩芯(Pei-Hsin Hsieh);范良楨(Liang-Chen Fan)


文化創意產品 ; 設計思維 ; 特質 ; 視覺藝術 ; Cultural creative products ; Designing thinking ; Visual art




10卷1期(2007 / 07 / 01)


69 - 89




文化創意產業正在國際間蓬勃發展,文化創意產品的設計已成為產業的要角。本研究旨在探討文化創意產品(視覺藝術類)之設計思維特質,研究方法使用文獻分析,以跨學科理論為依據,從視覺藝術類的產業特色、創意元素、創意產品、創意產出來源,做為個案分析內容,使用KJ(歸島)法,從抽象的詞彙歸納出主要理論背景,分析設計思維的特質。在文化創意產業的視覺藝術領域中,設計思維的特質包含感性(sensibility)、知性(understanding)、理性(speculative),三個層次之間的交互作用形成設計思維特質,感性層次的理論背景包含美學(aesthetics)、符號學(semiology)、詮釋學(hermeneutics);知性層次的理論背景包含經驗主義(epicureanism)、解構主義(deconstruction)、後現代主義(post modernism);理性層次的理論背景包含心理學(psychology)、社會學(sociology)、管理學(management)。從思維層次的交替轉換關係,需要多元化思考,設計思維之理論則是設計者不容忽視的法則,有理論基礎的設計,必能充分闡揚文化創意產品,將特質發揮得淋漓盡致,亦能使文化創意產業永續發揮創造力。


Recently, the creative industry has been growing faster world-widely and the segment of creative product design plays a key role. This research aims at investigating the design thinking of cultural creative products on visual arts segment. The methods of documentary analysis and K.J. methods are adopted to analyze the key elements of design model and to deduce the background theories. The finding of the research is the design thinking involves the interaction of the three categories: sensibility, understanding and speculative. Specifically, the background theories of sensibility level include Aesthetics, Semiology and Hermeneutics. The background theories of understanding level include Epicureanism, Deconstruction and Post Modernism. The background theories of speculative level include Psychology, Sociology and Management. As level of thinking is validated interactively, therefore a multi-dimension of thinking along with related theories are crucial ground rules in design. A design, based on related theories, could fully illustrate a creative product and make cultural creative industry continuously develop its creativity.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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