The purpose of present research is to investigate how graphic design factors affect visual scanpaths. A video eyetracker was used to record the eye movements during subjects observing the experiment materials. In a previous study (Fu, et al., 2005), twelve graphic patterns with symmetrical or non-symmetrical structures were displayed in a single view for 30 seconds, during which the eye movement was recorded. Their results showed that the shape and structure of test patterns significantly affected the fixation duration, frequency, and scanpath-returns in the recorded scanpaths. Patterns with ”noisy” features, such as sharp edges, fragmentation, and tilts, i.e., unsymmetrical design factors, were looked more than those relatively ”stable” patterns with symmetrical design factors. Their results also showed that locations of which each test pattern displayed in the views did not affect the scanpaths. In the present study, the same twelve graphic patterns were presented individually, one by one, in a single display, and the scanpaths of viewing each pattern were recorded. The recorded scanpaths showed a tendency of looking upper portion for all patterns tested in the experiment. And as the findings of Fu, et al. (2005), patterns with noisy features that characterize unsymmetrical design factors got longer fixation duration and higher looking frequency than the symmetrical patterns.
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