


Using the Design Studios and Galleries Transformed from an Industrial Heritage: The Case of Former Taichung Rice Brewery Taiwan Architecture, Design and Art Center




陳佩瑜(Pei-Yu Chen);胡寶林(Bou-Lin Hu)


產業文化遺址 ; 台中舊酒廠 ; 設計教學 ; 用後評估 ; industrial heritage ; former-Taichung Brewery ; design teaching/ learning ; post occupancy evaluation




11卷2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


21 - 45




1980年之後,台灣有許多國營的傳統產業製造空間被釋放出來。近年,這些閒置空間的去向,成了大家的關心議題。本研究的兩位作者,以教學使用者及活動策劃者的身分,採用個案分析法,並研發了一種現象學的場所體驗觀察法,以遮蔽及開顯的直覺親臨場所,獲得使用經驗分析的結論,個案係針對台灣五大酒廠之一的台中舊酒廠,作設計教育的空間體驗與探討。自2005年開始,文化建設委員會釋放出台中舊酒廠做爲「台灣建築、設計與藝術展演中心(Taiwan Architecture, Design and Art Center,簡稱TADA Center)」用途至今。本研究對TADA Center園區內六處空間—五棟舊廠房及一處開放草坪,進行了爲期三年的現象學式觀察、訪談與資料收集。研究中將體驗項目分成四個主要項目:都市涵溝、負空間系統、經營模式與空間策略、建築容器四項,其中建築容器項目又細分成六小項從外到內之檢視,最後分析其優缺點並針對各個項目做出建議觀點:(1)強化與鄰里的社區關係;(2)提昇負空間綠化系統的使用效益;(3)改變經營模式及增加參與式創意的空間策略;(4)發揮建築物的產業歷史記憶價值與改善建物的舒適度。期望以長期使用台中舊酒廠的第一手經驗,建構此類性質空間的評估,供有關單位參考。


Since 1980, a lot of beautifully constructed warehouses have been released and run-down due to the transfer of ownership from the government to private sectors, the closing-down, transformation, or moving out of all kinds of traditional industries. People thus have raised issues such as town renewal, historical heritage preservation, sustainable reusing and so forth. The Council for Cultural Affairs named the former biggest rice brewery in Taiwan TADA Center (Taiwan Architecture•Design and Art Center) in 2005 and started renovating five warehouses and one open space in order to turn them into studios of design schools and exhibition /performance space. This research, which reflects the viewpoint of a user / teacher from the design field and activity organizers, has used the methodology of case study: observation method of phenomenology, interviews and artifact collection. Having user experience of the five warehouses and one open space for three years since 2005, the researcher raised the strengths, weakness and suggestions of each space and organized them to four categories: Urban Context, Void Space System, Management Pattern and Space Strategy, and Architecture. First hand experience and Post occupancy evaluation check list is the contribution of the research to the executive department that deals with reusing industrial heritage.

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