Advertisement is one of the tools for social communication, and is a platform for manifestation of popular culture and social consciousness, providing an understanding of the existing cultural myth of a society and the ideology behind it. Advertisement is also an excellent media for image building of various ethnic groups. This study treated newspaper advertisement as the target, and conducted visual content analyses on the usage frequency, scenario, and behaviors of the images of middle and elderly age roles, in order to understand the images and connotations of the elderly reflected in the print advertisement in Taiwan. The study was divided into three parts, namely utilization of images of elderly roles, presentation connotation of elderly roles, and gender and image of elderly roles. The contents included the ratio of appearance of elderly roles, gender of elderly roles, arrangement of role settings, etc. Cross examination was also conducted with the distance, angle, and presentation of shooting of elderly roles.
The results indicated that 1) the ratio of appearance of elderly in newspaper advertisement is only 1.1%, which are mostly supporting roles or background roles, thus indicating the supplementary connotation of elderly roles; 2) the images of elderly roles are limited to relevance with families, and their influences are limited to middle-age adults and family members; 3) there is no significant negative image to the elderly roles. The ”evidence of existence” and ”family members” are the main images of elderly roles, while ”health and vitality” and ”stability and seriousness” are the common appearances of elderly roles; 4) the importance, independence, and affinity of male elderly roles are higher than those of female roles, while in terms of power relationship, that of both male and female elderly roles are equal.
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