


The Feasibility of Sustainable Development of Traditional Dwellings Conferred from the SWOT Matrix Analysis-A Case Study of Hakka Building B & B, Wu-Gou Village




宋慶財(Ching-Tsai Sung);李雪香(Hsueh-Hsiang Li)


傳統民居 ; 永續發展 ; 客家伙房民宿 ; 可行性評估 ; SWOT矩陣分析法 ; Traditional Houses ; Sustainable Development ; Hakka Building B & B ; Feasibility Assessment ; the SWOT Matrix Analysis




14卷S期(2011 / 06 / 01)


111 - 132




永續發展已成爲世界各國追求國家發展的顯學,透過永續、健康及循環的理念,加強「舊建築再利用」的模式,成爲建築發展新趨勢。傳統客家伙房是客家先民曾經住居的空間,內蘊豐厚的客家文化,然而,隨著歲月推移及人口外流,多半成爲閒置空間。本研究之目的在於從永續發展的觀點,透過可行性評估,將客家伙房發展爲客家伙房民宿。 本文研究方法如下,先期蒐集傳統民居發展民宿案例之研究文獻,進而藉由量化研究,針對環境、政策法規及遊客意見等面向切入分析與討論,以評估其可行性,再以SWOT矩陣分析找出內部優勢與劣勢、外部機會與威脅等因子,應用策略配對,形成最適合的發展策略。 研究結果發現,五溝村的客家伙房,經評估結果,具有發展客家伙房民宿的可行性。永續發展的具體策略爲:整體資源規劃,結合美食、景觀、民俗與生態等資源,將閒置空間改良成特色客家伙房民宿,最能被遊客接受,同時就專案推廣伙房民宿、落實政府政策、形塑在地民宿特色及後續研究,提出具體建議。


Sustainable development has become one of the world's widespread concerns therefore every country is in pursuit of national development, through the idea of sustainable development, health and circulation; strengthen the ”old building re-use” model, a new trend of building development. Traditional Hakkak Building were once Hakka ancestors' life space, intrinsic rich Hakka culture; however with population outflow over the years, the traditional Hakka Building seldom serve their originalpurpose. The purpose of this study from the view point of sustainable development is the establishment of Hakka Building B & B accommodation through feasibility assessment. The methodology of this study is as follows: the initial collection of research literature about the development of traditional houses; and then the quantitative research to analyze and discuss factors such as environment, regulations and visitor's opinions in order to assess its feasibility. Then SWOT matrix analysis was carried out to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats and other factors, and then applying the matching policy to form the most appropriate development strategy. The results showed that the development of Hakka Building B & B in Wu-Gou village is highly feasible. The sustainable development strategies include the overall resource planning in combination with food, landscape, folklore and ecological resources. For instance, seldom used Building space will be modified with Hakka Building B & B features so that visitors can easily accept it, and at the same time promote Hakka Building B & B, durable public facilities as well as the implementation of government policies and so provide a more specific proposal.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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