


From Service Innovation to Qualia Product Design




林榮泰(Rung-Tao Lin)


服務創新設計 ; 感質商品 ; 文化創意 ; 創意生活產業 ; qualia ; cultural and creativity industries ; creative life industry ; total customer experience ; service innovation




14卷S期(2011 / 06 / 01)


13 - 31




近年來,美學伴隨著知識經濟快速的興起,政府積極以設計服務產業鏈的概念,訂定文化創意產業相關的發展計畫,其重點在於文化如何加值設計創意,成就設計產業,形成美學經濟。創意生活產業是指以創意整合生活產業的「核心知識」,提供「深度體驗」與「高質美感」的生活產業。強調因應文化經濟與體驗經濟趨勢,以顧客體驗爲核心,透過「產品」、「服務」、「活動」與「場域」,滿足消費者的生活主張,營造一種獨特的生活品味,形成消費者認同的生活型態;創造具有「深度體驗」及「高質美感」的生活產業,形成差異化與獨特性的營運優勢。其中,深度體驗係透過「服務」與「活動」的創意構思,來感動消費者心靈的感受;高質美感則以「場域」與「產品」的創意運用,來吸引消費者的注意,維持消費者深度的感動。創意生活產業兼具了文化生活化與產業文化的特性,面臨體驗經濟趨勢,創意生活產業如何運用「體驗」,發展顧客體驗價值,進而創造經濟效益及深耕文化價值,是值得深入探討的重要議題。因此,本研究藉由整合近年來學者專家對體驗相關領域所提出之概念及價值,建構感質體驗模式,透過The One南園的個案,探討如何透過「感性場域」與「感質產品」,來強化與深植消費者的感動。並以緩慢金瓜石民宿爲個案,瞭解其成功的原因,探討其如何塑造感動體驗的元素。再以既有感動體驗的過程爲基礎,模擬如何從無形的感質體驗轉換爲有形的創意商品,提供欲以感質體驗提昇產業競爭力之企業參考。


Over the past few years, aesthetics booms with the knowledge economics. The government draws the plans in relation to cultural and creative industries under the concept of designing service industrial chain. The focus is how culture can add extra value to ”design creativity”, then transformed to ”design industry”, a form of ”aesthetics economics”. Moreover, Creative Life Industry, which integrates experiences of livelihood industries and local culture, plays an important role in guiding enterprises to apply the concepts of the experience economy. Along with the economic development from agricultural, industrial to experienced economy, there are different competitive element, such as quality, function, brand, service, information, and the ”service space” and ”qualia” are the key factors in the experienced economy. in order to flourish the development of economy and culture, ”experiences” are applied to four dimensions, such as space, service, product and promotion of an enterprise. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to establish a new model for evaluating the creative life industries with ”deeply experience” and ”highly aesthetic feeling”. Lavender Cottage's Adagio and The one's Land of retreat and wellness are take as examples to verify the model. Results presented herein create an interface for evaluating the creative life industry crosses over the ”highly aesthetic feeling”, and illustrate the interwoven features of the creative life industry and cultural creativity in the service innovation design.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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