Over the past few years, aesthetics booms with the knowledge economics. The government draws the plans in relation to cultural and creative industries under the concept of designing service industrial chain. The focus is how culture can add extra value to ”design creativity”, then transformed to ”design industry”, a form of ”aesthetics economics”. Moreover, Creative Life Industry, which integrates experiences of livelihood industries and local culture, plays an important role in guiding enterprises to apply the concepts of the experience economy. Along with the economic development from agricultural, industrial to experienced economy, there are different competitive element, such as quality, function, brand, service, information, and the ”service space” and ”qualia” are the key factors in the experienced economy. in order to flourish the development of economy and culture, ”experiences” are applied to four dimensions, such as space, service, product and promotion of an enterprise. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to establish a new model for evaluating the creative life industries with ”deeply experience” and ”highly aesthetic feeling”. Lavender Cottage's Adagio and The one's Land of retreat and wellness are take as examples to verify the model. Results presented herein create an interface for evaluating the creative life industry crosses over the ”highly aesthetic feeling”, and illustrate the interwoven features of the creative life industry and cultural creativity in the service innovation design.
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