


Experiencing the Culture Innovation through the Reuse of the Old Brand Hotel-The Case of the Jia Jia West Market in Tainan




蘇鴻昌(Hung-Chang Su)


舊建築再利用 ; 永續發展 ; 文化創意產業 ; 創新體驗 ; reuse of old buildings ; sustainable development ; cultural and creativity industry ; innovation Experience




14卷S期(2011 / 06 / 01)


237 - 256






Taiwan's academia introduced the idea of reusing old buildings since 1980s, which is activating the old house and changing its function for making it meet the needs nowadays. In the one hand, the idea keeps old buildings' historic looks, in the other hand, it retains architectural aesthetics in several generations. In this case, the building was ”Jia Jia Grand Hotel” which is designed by the first female architect in Taiwan-Miss Wang Siou-lian and completed in 1970, more than forty years so far. At that time, it was an extremely important event in Tainan, lots of celebrities gathered to celebrate it. Following the recession of Large food market, Chungcheng road, and Haian road commercial district, many modren hotels have precensed in Tainan city that made Jia Jia Grand Hotel withdraw the market sadly. This study is based on reusing and developing the old buildings, combining traditional histoy and cultural memory of the past to explore how to lead ”cultural creativity” and ”innovation experience” of industry in design strategy. It contains local vital elements and strengthening the ”cultural characteristics”, ”green faith” and ”living art” fields to play the space, the culture, the theme unique advantages, through situational experiences designed by creative ideas to improve the depth of service to attract the attention of consumers who will visit and stay, and deeply root in the memory of these people.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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