


The Ecdysis and New Vision of Pictogram




羅凱(Kai Lo);林品章(Pin-Chang Lin)


圖像文字 ; 視覺語言 ; 象徵 ; 圖標 ; 輔助性語言 ; pictogram ; visual language ; symbol ; icon ; auxiliary language




14卷1期(2011 / 07 / 01)


23 - 50






The use of pictogram has been an important part of human communication. Pictogram has become part of our daily life in modern society, and people use pictograms as part of message communication. As pictogram has become common sense, it thus attracts the attention of related units. The technological advancement and thriving digital technology in the 21st century have increased unprecedented possibilities to the application and future development of pictogram. With the historical approach and review of related literature, this study traced the historical development of pictogram in a timeline and could be used as a foundation for establishing a pictographic system in the future. Conclusions of this study indicate that: (1) visual languages developed from pictogram fulfill the classless and equal qualities in democracy and could promote cultural fusion; (2) the ISOTYPE created by Austrian scholar Otto Neurath in the earlier 20th century has inspired the development of pictogram; (3) the rapid development of electronic technology has given rise to pictographic diversification; (4) the establishment of a new logical thinking of icon-based languages is an important issue in the future development of pictogram; and (5) pictogram is a solution for simplifying message communication in the information explosion era. Based on the above conclusions, this study provides a new path for the future research, application, and development of pictogram in order to establish academic rationale for pictogram.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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