


A Reading Comfort Scale for Chinese Typography




侯純純(Chun-Chun Hou);林品章(Pin-Chang Lin)


華文 ; 編排設計 ; 閱讀舒適性 ; 評量模式 ; Chinese Typography ; Reading Comfort ; Evaluation Model




14卷1期(2011 / 07 / 01)


97 - 113




近30年來,國內外有許多關於編排設計的研究成果,但是對於讀者閱讀編排設計後心理感受的相關研究較少著墨,因此,本研究以編製「華文編排設計閱讀舒適性評量」爲目的,主要探討評量模式及其信效度,並利用此量表探討大學生閱讀不同行間之版面編排時的心理感受。本研究以實驗審美心理學研究相關理論爲基礎,實驗步驟爲受測者訪談(N=6)、專家評估、量表編制修訂、預試(N=16)及正式實驗(N=50)。量表修正後共有12道題項,測試結果以SPSS進行資料處理,內部一致性信度(Cronbach's α)爲.973,效度檢定以因素分析萃取出相同的因素成份,每道題項的因素負荷量皆高於.789,且此因素能對整份量表的解說總變異量爲77.29%,顯示該題組所萃取出來的因素具影響力,可說明此量表的建構效度有達一定水準。本文針對閱讀舒適性量表的建立以及修正提出討論,未來可以此量表進行各編排要素的閱讀舒適性評量,期能彌補華文編排設計中所欠缺的閱讀感性研究。


The study is a basic research that aims to organize a ”Reading Comfort Scale for Chinese Typography” and discusses how to create an evaluation model for the perception scale and test its reliability and validity. This scale was used in preliminary discussion of college students' psychological perceptions in reading layouts with different line spacing. This study was based on ”The Experimental Psychology of Beauty” theory. Experimental procedure includes interviews with subjects (N=6), expert evaluations, scale amendments, tryouts with more subjects (N=16), and the final experiment (N=50). The reading perception scale was modified to include 12 questions. SPSS was used to determine Cronbach's coefficient of internal consistency (α), which measures reliability of scale and was found to =.973. Factor analysis was used to measure scale validity and each factor loading was found to exceed .789. The variation quantity of scale accounted for 77.29%. These analyses demonstrate that the scale's factor has influence and the scale has high level construct validity.This study focuses on creating a Reading Perception Scale and discusses how to test it. In the future, this scale could be applied in the assessment for different layout elements to be supplemented to the Chinese Typography research field.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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