”Showing Taiwan's soft power” is one of the most popular topics on the island at current time. Taiwan's design power is raised by its students winning awards in many international design contests, and this has aroused great enthusiasm for the department of design in college. Besides, by the joint efforts of the government and enterprises, Taiwan hosted the 2011 International Design Alliance (IDA) Congress. The facts that top-ranked high school students choose to enter universities of technology and that the numbers of design departments in college and their classes are both increasing have proven that such trend as ”design education” is spreading in Taiwan and has obviously become a hit for higher education. In Taiwan, not a few students study commercial design. The factors in their deciding to major in this subject and their career cognition are a thesis worthy of investigation.In this study, a questionnaire method was used and students with a background in commercial design were gathered for investigation. The result shows the following conclusions drew from the students' opinions: (a) the factors in deciding to major in this subject can be sequenced according to the degree of importance as ”employment prospects”, ”professional career”, and ”learning effect”; (b) in the career requirement for ”basic knowledge”, most believe ”aesthetics” is most important; (c) in the requirement for ”basic skill”, ”color scheme” is most important; (d) in the requirement for ”design practice”, ”page layout and typesetting” is most important; (e) in the requirement for ”software operation”, ”graphic software” is most important; (f) in the requirement for ”career attitude and ethics”, ”good communication skill” is most important; (g) in the requirement for ”prospects”, ”internationalism” is most important. This study brings more complete knowledge of the viewpoints of students who specialize in commercial design. We hope its results can be a contribution to the field of design education, and become reference materials for course planning.
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