With the increasing of age, the visual acuity decreases of elderly. Their different perception of shape, color and image leads to cognitive differences. However, the physical decline in elderly may have individual differences; it may relate to personal psychological situation, behavior and lifestyle. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to explore the elderly's shape preference of the image with different ratio of length and width and their life styles. A survey was composed with three parts of questions: demographics, life style measurement scale and measurement scale of shape preference. Following three different scales were applied to measure their perception of shape: joyful, aesthetic and comfortable. Results revealed that (1) image (E) with the ratio of length and width is 1:1.8 was least preferred; elderly preferred image (B) with the ratio of length and width is 1:1.2; (2) with the least preferred shape, there is no significant difference between paired comparison method and selection sort method of measuring scales of joyful, aesthetic and comfortable; (3) elderly who preferred image (A) with the ratio of length and width is 1:1 possessed diverse background. This research provides preliminary understanding of the elderly in their shape perception, psychological and physical situation. Conclusions can be references for relevant future study and for medical treatment in psychology or physiology.
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