This article mainly analyzed for understanding the actual repairing conditions (the 2nd gradual plan) and characteristics of spatial composition of kitchen, dining and living room (LDK) in result of a house repair, via site visit, rule inspection and questionnaires, based on the sample of 14 national housing estates, 262 households. In addition to the aspects of building time, dwelling unit area, acquisition pattern and plan type, respectively, this study showed that over 80% tenants have relocated the spaces of their houses, and over 40% tenants selected extension works and repair, and the repair cost is around 5-40% of initiative house's cost, and the rate of those repairing is higher in small-size (below 750 square feet), old public houses. In terms of plan type, the higher repairing is on the area of mixture of private and public houses, then on the pure area, and then on the separation area. As a result, we cleared that those repairs have significantly influenced the spatial composition and function in kitchen, dining and living room.
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