


The Factors to Influence Staff's Intention to Adopt Environmental Behavior in Green University: An Example of Green University in North Taiwan




沈盛達(Sheng-Ta Shen);邱弘毅(Hung-Yi Chiou)


綠色大學 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 新生態典範 ; 環保行為 ; Green University ; Theory of Planned Behavior ; New Ecological Paradigm ; Environmental Behavior




17卷1期(2014 / 07 / 01)


71 - 90




台灣在「綠色大學」的相關研究尚在起步階段,大多數公私立大專院校也才正開始著手進行「綠色大學」之工作,若要加速綠色大學擴散與深化的速度,本研究認為應可從了解教職員的心理與行為開始。因此,本研究以計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior, TPB)為主軸,來探討有哪些因素會影響台灣綠色大學內教職員採取環保行為的意願,以及運用新生態典範量表(new ecological paradigm, NEP)來了解環境素養是否會影響態度。本研究運用問卷調查的方式訪問了182位大學的教職員,結果發現:受訪者雖然認同新生態典範的精神,但仍存有人類中心主義思想。在TPB的結果分析上,態度是影響受訪教職員採行環保行為意願的最主要因素,提升環境意識能夠強化受訪者對綠色大學與環保行為的態度;知覺行為控制、主觀規範也都是影響受訪者採行環保行為意願的重要因子。


Studies in green university and related topics were still in the very beginning stage in Taiwan, as well as greening work just started in most universities in Taiwan. To speed up the spreading and deepening of green university, understanding the minds and behavior of staff on campus can be a good start for the work. Using the theory of planned behavior as fundamental framework, this study aimed to discover the factors that have influence on intention of staff to carry out environmental behaviors. New ecological paradigm (NEP) was also adapted to see if environmental literacy exerted a strong influence on attitude. A survey was used to interview 182 staff in the participant university. The result showed that although interviewees approved of principles of NEP, the participants maintained a self-centered mindset. Analysis on the result of TPB showed that attitude is the most influential factor for staff to take environmental behavior, and enhanced environmental awareness could strengthen attitude towards green university. Perceived behavior control, subjective norms were also factors of intention of participant staff members.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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