
The Factors to Influence Patients' Intention to Adopt Medical Service in Green Hospitals: An Example of Green Hospitals in North Taiwan






沈盛達(Sheng-Ta Shen)


台灣在綠色醫院的相關研究尚在起步階段,大多數醫療院所也才正開始著手進行「綠色醫院」之工作,若要加速綠色醫院擴散與深化的速度,除了現有的醫療人員以外,本研究認為還可從了解就診民眾的心理與行為開始。因此,本研究以計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior ; TPB)為主軸,來探討有哪些因素會影響民眾到綠色醫院接受醫療服務的意願。本研究運用問卷調查的方式訪問了620位綠色醫院就診的民眾,結果發現:本研究根據行政院衛生署國民健康局(2010)所提出綠色醫院八大指標所發展出的量表,擁有良好信度與效度;能源效率、綠建築、食物、廢棄物、水等綠色醫院指標會影響受訪民眾對綠色醫院的態度;態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制可以預測民眾到綠色醫院接受醫療服務的意願。本研究並根據調查結果提出相關建議。 ; Green Hospital ; Theory of Planned Behavior




18卷1期(2015 / 07 / 01)


73 - 97




台灣在綠色醫院的相關研究尚在起步階段,大多數醫療院所也才正開始著手進行「綠色醫院」之工作,若要加速綠色醫院擴散與深化的速度,除了現有的醫療人員以外,本研究認為還可從了解就診民眾的心理與行為開始。因此,本研究以計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior, TPB)為主軸,來探討有哪些因素會影響民眾到綠色醫院接受醫療服務的意願。本研究運用問卷調查的方式訪問了620位綠色醫院就診的民眾,結果發現:本研究根據行政院衛生署國民健康局(2010)所提出綠色醫院八大指標所發展出的量表,擁有良好信度與效度;能源效率、綠建築、食物、廢棄物、水等綠色醫院指標會影響受訪民眾對綠色醫院的態度;態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制可以預測民眾到綠色醫院接受醫療服務的意願。本研究並根據調查結果提出相關建議。


Studies in green hospitals and related topics are still in the very beginning stage in Taiwan, as well as greening work has just started in most hospitals in Taiwan. To speed up the spreading and deepening of green hospitals, understanding the minds and behavior of patients on hospital can be a good start. Using the theory of planned behavior as fundamental framework, this study aimed to discover the influencing factors on intention of patients toward hospital. A survey was used to interview 620 patients in the participant hospital. The result showed below. The green hospitals scale has stable reliability and validity through two stage tests. The items of green hospitals include Energy efficiency, green building, food, waste and water can influence the attitude of patients. Attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavior control were also factors of intention of patients. The survey were analyzed using a green hospital scale in a two-stage test, and the result showed stable reliability and validity. Influencing factors on attitude of patients toward green hospitals include energy efficiency, green building, food, waste, and water. Attitude, subjective norms, and perceived control were also factors on intention of patients.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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