


The Relation between Urban Riverbank Reconstruction and Tourism Attractiveness Shaping- a Case of Love River in Kaohsiung




陳明石(Ming-Shih Chen);柯耀宗(Yao-Tsung Ko);李俐慧(Li-Hui Lee)


愛河 ; 都市水岸 ; 觀光魅力 ; 旅遊滿意度 ; 二維品質模式 ; Love River ; Urban Riverbank ; Tourism Attractiveness ; Tourism Satisfaction ; Kano Model




20卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


111 - 134




愛河在臺灣高雄市的發展過程中扮演極為重要的角色,近年來高雄市更成功行銷愛河水岸,使其成為高雄市觀光魅力之一。本研究針對愛河下游進行「水岸再造與觀光魅力形塑關係」之研究,以「焦點訪談法」網羅規劃管理者、民間組織、遊客、業者、住民等族群觀點並以二維品質模式(Kano Model)設計「愛河觀光魅力因子問卷」,針對存在資源、旅遊行為、餐飲與住宿、交通與空間舒適度等五大構面加以調查,以釐清水岸觀光魅力形成的因素。最終資料統計分析結果歸納出愛河水岸觀光魅力因子之開發優先次序建議如下:(1)積極發展方面:舉辨大型活動、提供靜態休閒的場所、發展水路交通等三項,有機會與其他水岸觀光形成區隔,創造獨特觀光魅力;(2)基本發展方面:綠美化景觀、充足的停車的空間、陸路交通串連、多元運具遊覽、環境整潔安全維護良好、服務設施、綠意盎然等七項,可視為發展觀光基礎建設;(3)可考慮發展方面:經營定期夜市、自然生態資源、良好的聽覺感受、步道及自行車道寬闊連續、燈光氣氛美好、夜間常態性表演、區域特色、歷史文化、乘船遊河與情境導覽、舉辨藝文活動等十項,可視觀光資源與預算分配,依序進行開發;(4)暫緩發展方面:有租借式划船體驗、開設紀念品店、特產店、文創商店、開設飯店民宿、開設餐飲店家等四項,基於效益考量,應避免進行開發。本文希望最終研究成果對於高雄市未來推展愛河觀光旅遊能有所幫助。


Love River has played a critical role in the development of Kaohsiung City. The city recently succeeded in publicizing the bank scenery of Love River, which has now become a sort of tourist destination in Kaohsiung. This study took Love River's lower reach as the subject to explore "the relation between urban riverbank reconstruction and tourism attractiveness shaping", adopted the approach of "focus group interview" covering planning officials, non-governmental organizations, tourists, industries and local residents, established "Love River tourism attractive elements questionnaire" based on the "Kano Model", and carried out research in five major dimensions including existing resources, tourism activities, food and accommodation, transportation, and spatial comfort so as to learn elements that help shape riverbank attractiveness. This paper analyzed the investigation results and provided suggestions for riverbank development. The statistics analysis concludes that the riverbank tourism attractions of Love River should be developed in the following priority sequence: (1) proactive development; (2) basic development; (3) considerable development; (4) suspended development. Considering the development priority sequence of "Love River riverbank tourism attractive elements", this study finally proposed concrete suggestions for Love River's future development in four parts: spatial form, experience of four senses, transportation planning, and activity strategy.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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