


The Attractive Factors of Nantun Old Street from the Viewpoints of the Elderly




柯耀宗(Yao-Tsung Ko);陳明石(Ming-Shih Chen)


街區規劃 ; 遊客 ; 街道型式 ; 觀光魅力 ; 樂齡族群 ; Street Layout ; Pedestrian ; Street Type ; Tourism Charm ; The Elderly




21卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 22




近年來台灣社會高齡人口快速增長,加上旅遊觀光產業的大幅發展,樂齡族群的觀光需求日益受到重視。而一般遊客可以藉由徒步來真實體驗觀光街區的地方文化,同時不同的街區規劃設計也會影響遊客的觀光行為,因此一個好的觀光街區不應只是應用一些硬體設施來吸引遊客,同時更應該利用整體規劃來有效地傳遞地方文化特色給遊客。故本研究試圖以樂齡族群的角度來探討老街觀光街區空間的魅力吸引因素。研究結果可作為同性質中小型街區未來發展觀光產業之參考依據。本文是以具有悠久歷史傳統的台中南屯老街為研究場域,首先是以基礎實態調查了解街道特性、街道家具,其次再對樂齡族群的遊歷過程進行觀察並以實際問卷釐清該地區的魅力要素為何?最後運用Kano二維品質要素分析及重要性績效分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis; IPA)來了解從樂齡族群觀點看老街街區觀光魅力及經營決策要素為何?最終研究結果建議如下:(1)整體規劃要注意步行安全性以及停車便利性;(2)步行空間需要考量高齡者及身障者使用,人行道鋪裝要平坦寬敞,清除障礙物及解決高度差問題;(3)需種植行道樹、花圃、植栽及設置具當地特色的街具;(4)出入口應設置獨特的公共藝術,讓藝術氣息和環境綠化成為迷人的街區景觀。


The population of the elderly is increasing in recent years in Taiwan. The need of the elderly' tourism is emphasized along with the tourism industry is developing widely. Tourists can truly experience local features of sights by walk, and have different behavior according to various street layouts of the areas. In order to present a pleasant entertainment environment, street layouts need to combine local characteristics with convenience. A well-designed street layout not only facilitates interaction between tourists and environment but also promotes local culture and distinctive tourism effectively. This study attempts to discuss the attractive factors of the Old Street from the viewpoints of the elderly. The results can provide the homogeneous streets a reference in the future. The Nantun old street is taken as the research field in this study. Firstly, the characteristics of the street and the street furniture are realized by the investigation of the basic reality. Secondly, the processes of the tourism experience of the elderly are observed and the attractive factors of the area are cleared by the questionnaire. Finally, the Kano Model and the IPA method are adopted to understand the attractive factors of the Old Street and the factors of decisions. Finally, the suggestions are followings: (1) The whole plan must care the pedestrian's safety and the convenience of parking. (2) The walking space must consider the usage of the elderly and the disabled. The sidewalk must be plated, clean the barriers and resolve the problem of the height level. (3) Plant the shade tree, flowers, plants and the street furniture with the local characteristics. (4) Build the entry public art. The unique art atmosphere and green environment make the street charming.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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