


Landscape and Health Research: Environmental Experience Perspectives




黃丰姿(Feng-Tzu Huang)


環境經驗 ; 質性研究 ; 園藝治療 ; 景觀治療 ; 景觀療癒 ; 食物地景 ; 可食地景 ; Environmental Experience ; Qualitative Research ; Horticulture Therapy ; Therapeutic Landscape ; Healing Landscape ; Foodscape ; Edible Landscape




21卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


65 - 77






In the recent decades, changes in our society, epidemiology of disease and health concepts are regarded as main reasons which make the expansion of the landscape and health research. Therefore, this article examines the current research development and suggests future research agenda based on the point of views from the healthcare discipline. Meanwhile, the significance of environmental experiences is emphasized and the role and contributions of qualitative research are analyzed. Horticulture therapy, therapeutic landscape, and foodscape and edible landscape can be three main research themes studied through a wider range of underpinning disciplines. There is a tendency that therapeutic landscape is regarded as 'a treatment' and the research is designed to measure its' health benefits. Little attention is paid to the individuals' environmental experiences and social-culture aspects towards landscape and health. Contrasting to qualitative research, quantitative approaches in the academic research is often considered as gold standard, particularly in the healthcare domain after the movement of evidence-based medicine/nursing. However, the significant of qualitative studies cannot be ignored. Landscape is loaded with people's environmental experiences and is part of people's daily life. In order to deepen the understanding in the current research, qualitative approaches to explored people's environment experiences in the real world, to examine how the society constructs health benefits of nature experiences, and to identify the social-cultural meanings within, are suggested.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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